Chapter 19

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Dedicated to Immy because she should still be reading this because she is still IN IT!!! haha Love you kiddo.


Okay Andrew has been in the hospital now for about 2 months... 

So... That is the time line, if it doesn't match up... Deal with it lol


Immy's POV

"Oh thank god you are awake Andrew!" I threw my arms around him, never wanting to let go.

"Awake? What happened? Where are I?" I let go of him because his whole body went rigid. "Oh god. I was in a car accident wasn't I?"

"Yes. When they found you, you were barely holding on. They had to bring you into surgery and induce you into a coma so that your body would heal properly. After they were done, you wouldn't wake up. You just wouldn't wake up." The tears started to flow again. "Oh god, and Anthony, poor Anthony.."

"Is he okay?" Andrew demanded.

"Yes he is fine, but he went through so much while you were gone."

Andrew started to get up, "No Andrew, you have to stay in bed. He is on his way, don't worry."

"He needs me Immy." He stated.

"Just stay in bed." I laid him back down. 

"I made a mistake Immy."

"I know Andrew."

"I need to apologize."

"You can do that when he gets here."

"Oh god Immy. How could I be so stupid."

"We all make mistakes honey."

He grabbed a pillow and yelled into it. I could tell that he was frustrated. We all knew what he was doing that day when he got into the accident. But he didn't know we knew. He didn't even know that Anthony knew.

Anthony did know though, and he still stuck by Andrew's side. For better or worse.

Andrew continued to scream and cry into his pillow. Anthony should be here soon, I should really stop him. He shouldn't have to see Andrew like this.

"You know what kept Anthony by your side from the beginning?" He paused so he could listen. "He knew that no matter what that you would be his anchor. You would keep him tethered to this world. You are solid, and strong. That's why he loves you Andrew. We all make mistakes, and I want you to believe that. Even someone who is as super-human as you. Anthony is on his way and if he see's you like this he will think something had happened. So I suggest you wipe your tears and man up because you are not weak Andrew."

He set the pillow aside and did as I said.

"That a boy." 

He offered a weak smile. "Thank you Immy."

"That's what I am here for."

There was a long silence as we waited for Anthony to get here.

"Did you hear what I was saying before you woke up?" I said, breaking the silence.

He paused to think about it. "It was weird, it was like I could hear you screaming and crying and I tried talking back but nothing came out of my mouth."

"So it's true then, people can hear whats going on around then when they are in a coma."

"I think so. Or I'm just a freak."

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