Klaus; No one deserves to be alone

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"Go ahead, kill me. I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin."

"You really have given up, haven't you?" Klaus asked as he held onto Stefan's shoulder.

"Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?" Stefan shoved Klaus back with a growl, letting out a breath.

You glared at them, "Both of you stop this." They turned their heads to look at you, faces still showing anger. Casting his eyes behind you, suddenly confused "Elijah," the oldest Original stepped into the room, the other Salvatore on his left, and a compelled servant holding a cloth covered silver platter on the right.

"Why haven't you left?" Elijah held his hands up slightly, "Where are your manners, brother? You forgot dessert." He swiftly pulled the cloth off the plate, then looked back towards Klaus.

"What have you done..." As he spotted the two daggers on the platter.

"What have you done? See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus." He replied. The youngest Mikaelson walked through the door as Elijah continued.

"We're doing this on my terms now."

Your face contorted in worry for Klaus, even though nothing could actually kill him. Well, nothing that his siblings had.

"Kol," His eyes widened, taking a step back, while the mischievous brother walked to him.

"Long time, brother." He smirked.

A blur passed through the room towards Klaus, grabbing his wrist and aiming a dagger at his hand. "Finn, don't."

You winced as he yelled in pain from the dagger piercing his palm. You wanted to stop them, but there was no way, being just a human after all.

Speeding away from everyone else, he came to a quick stop as Rebekah walked in front of him, a perfect smile on her face.

"Rebeka-" His words cut short by a dagger to the stomach, letting out a loud groan.

Still holding the weapon in his stomach, the sister spoke, "This is for our mother."

Pulling the dagger out, Klaus stumbled backwards into Kol, who grabbed his arms and held them behind his back. Rebekah walked to them, the smile appearing again once she glanced at you.

"You're free to go." Elijah told the Salvatore brothers. Both of them looked around at all the siblings before quickly walking to the door.

"This is family business."


"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik." Rebekah said almost sarcastically, before picking up a glass vase and throwing it at a painting, making it fall to the ground.

"I wanted it to be for all of us..." He spoke in a whisper.

You glared at Kol who gave a laugh at what his brother had said, noticing you, he smirked and gave you a wave. Crossing your arms, you looked at Klaus.

"A place we could all call home, a place where we could all be a family."

"None of us would ever have to be alone again." Your heart broke at his words and the pained look on his face.

"You're right," Elijah told him, a confused and slightly hopeful look took over the painful one.

"None of us will be." He continued, walking towards Rebekah and Kol.

"You're staying behind." Finn said, following Elijah to his younger siblings.

You and Klaus began to stand up as Rebekah added in, "We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I kill that doppelganger wench."

"Then you will be alone... Always and forever." She finished.

"If you run, I will hunt all of you down." Klaus told them all, look of betrayal all over his face.

"Then you will become everything you hate. Our father." Elijah smirked.

"How dare you say such a thing, Elijah. After everything that man did to him." You quickly stepped in, now angry. All of them looked shocked you would stand up for the Hybrid.

"Look, I know you think this is payback for daggering all of you, but this seems a lot worse then what he did. Klaus never left you alone, it was his way of keeping you safe, from the very person you just accused him to be."

"Y/N, I thought you were going to leave with us..." Rebekah spoke, her lips turning downwards into a frown.

"I will not leave him alone." You felt Klaus's hand grip yours tightly

"I do not understand you, Y/N..." Elijah said, brows furrowed. He and Klaus glared at each other for a moment, before the unexpected happened.

The siblings all looking at you and Klaus quickly turned around, once hearing the door open. Fear. That's all you could see from Klaus.

"Mother..." Rebekah gasped quietly.

Esther Mikaelson began to walk forward, to the son that had killed her a thousand years ago, ignoring her other children.

You squeezed the Hybrids hand as he looked down with tears in his eyes, not wanting to meet his mothers gaze.

"Look at me." She told him.

He slowly lifted his head to look her in the eye.

"Do you know why I'm here?" His mouth opened, preparing his answer.

"You're here to kill me." The words coming out in a whisper. You instantly glared at the woman. Her aura was much like Klaus's, powerful and strong. Something was off about it though, she was not here for anything good.

"Niklaus. You are my son, and I am here to forgive you." She then turned to the rest of the siblings.

"I want us to be a family again."


After everything was settled and Klaus had cleaned up, he dragged you into his bedroom.

"I'm sorry they tri-" You were cut off, "Thank you."


"You would have stayed by me, after everything I've done." He looked at you slightly confused as to why you would stay.

"Of course I would have, I still will now. No one deserves to be alone."

"But I do, I daggered my siblings and left them rotting away for hundreds of years, I've killed innocent people for my own enjoyment, tormented to get a reaction." His walls were opening up, vulnerability showing.

"You do what you need to for your family and the ones you love." You said softly, giving him a smile. Esther suddenly popped into your head and you frowned.

"I... I don't think your mother is being entirely honest." He nodded, agreeing with you.

"I believe you're right, love. If I can never lie to you without you figuring it out, then she definitely can't." He gave me a smirk, going back to his old self. You laughed, shaking your head at him.

He pulled you down on the bed with him, reaching over the turn off the lamp. You layed your head on his chest, hearing his heart beat at a steady pace.

"We will figure it all out in the morning, but for now sleep."

"Alright..." You lifted your head up and gently pressed your lips against his, pulling away a couple seconds later and going back to your previous position.

Once you had fallen asleep, Klaus let out a sigh, running his fingers through your soft H/C hair.

"Goodnight, angel."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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