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You had been enter a Kpop Star Contest..What a surprise!!you win 1st place..and you will be debut under Jellyfish Ent..

Me:"(oohhh..what do I do?? I'm so

Han Sung:"(your name) follow me..I want to introduce you to Vixx.."

Me:"nae!I'm coming.."

*Han Sung is your manager

VIXX practice room..

Han Sung:"our new family member..
(your name)..

Me:"hello..my name is (your name)..I'm is newbie..please takecare of me sunbae..*bow*"

Vixx member:"hye..."

N:"you don't need to call us like that..just call us oppa.."

Hyuk:"yes..but maybe you can call me friend..we are same age you know.."


Han Sung:"N will teach you about jazz dance..Leo will teach you about vocal..Ken will teach you about how to use V app..Ravi will teach you about dance and writing song..Hongbin will teach you about rap..Hyuk will teach you about your school subject..he will help what you not understand..clear??"


The next day..
Your practice room..

(everyday you have to learn from Vixx member except Sunday..out of 7 day you will have 3 day with Ravi everyweek..you can learn from Hyuk anytime you want..say Han Sung)

Me:"3 day a week with Ravi oppa??oh no.."

8 minutes later..

Ravi:"okey..show me what can you do.."

I cover Vixx song..chained up..

Ravi:"you call that dance??seriously??!are you kidding me?!continue practice until you get it right!!"

1st week..

Ravi:"stop!!it all wrong..once again!!"

2nd week..

Ravi:"you call this lyric??it just a garbage!!do it again!!"

3rd week..

Ravi:"how come you still can't remember the move??it already 3 week...are you sure you deserve to be here??!"

The next day..

N:"are you okey??why you look like pale??are you sick??"

Me:"oppa..is Ravi oppa hate me??"

N:"ofcourse not..why??"

Me:"he been yelling and shouting to me for 3 week..he must be hate me.."

N:"he really did that??"


VIXX dorm..

N enter Ravi room..

N:"Ravi..are you hate (your name) that much??"

Ravi:"I'm not..why?"

N:"then why you keep shouting and yelling to her??"

Ravi:"I just want to make her a good dancer and song writer..

N:"tell me honestly..you..like her right?? you do that so our manager won't know it..right??"

Ravi:"I'm..I'm not!!I don't like her..hyung get out..I want to be alone.."

N:"think carefully Ravi or you will just hurting her feeling.."


Jellyfish Ent...

you been practicing for 4 hour nonstop..

Me:"I need be better..so Ravi oppa won't anger at me.."

you get trap and fall down..your leg feel hurt because you do not stop since

Ravi:"omg!(your name)-ah..are you okey??*try to lift you up*"

Me:"I'm okey..I can stand on my own..don't be nice to me..be like you always be..why don't you shout at me now??"


you walk out of the room and leave him alone..

Me:"sorry Ravi oppa..don't be nice to me or I will like you..and I don't want that happen because I know we can't..I don't want to destroy VIXX group..mian oppa..don't*cry*"

Practice room..

Ravi:"mian (your name)-ah because always anger to you..I like you..l like you so much..but I can't tell you..I afraid you will get kick from here..I want you to be famous idol one day..*cry*"

The end..
the true is you two like each other but can't tell each other because don't want your manager know..sorry because of the sad ending..

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