¤Hongbin is my destiny??¤

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I hate my live..everything in my live been arrange by my parent..I really want to be artist..do performance infront of people..but my dream been block..and I hate it..very much..

On way back home..

Umi:"do you have many homework??"

Me:"ofcourse I do..too many.."

Umi:"I think we can't go out on holiday because..."

Me:"because we need to finish the homework...right??"


suddenly something fly infront me and splash!!!

Me:"(ha??who??is he try to kill himself??)"

Umi:"what wrong with that boy??"

Me:"yah!!fast..we need to help him.."

Umi:"no need..he can swim you know..look.."

Me:"I know..but the water is flow very fast you know..he can be drown.."

Umi:"hmm..why is she so kind.."(been drag by me)

At the river side..


Me:"why is he so heavy?!"

Umi:"that what I want to ask.."

Me:"lets go.."

My home..

The boy:"ahh..my head..oh!!where am I??my bag??!ha??who..are you??"

Me:"so you full awake??are you okey??you at my house.."

The boy:"how come??*look at his shirt*"

Me:"don't worry..my brother help you change..your clothe all wet..I want to ask..why you jump to the river??you could die you know.."

The boy:"I need to get my bag..it precious..oh..I forget to introduce myself..I'm hongbin..and you??"

Me:"I'm (your name)..I will help you..but today you need to rest..your body still weak..okey??"

Hongbin:"okey..thank you.."

The next day..
At the river..

Me:"are you sure your bag flow here??we have been searching for 2 hour..and there are nothing except garbage.."

Hongbin:"I'm sure..its weird..why its not here??"

????:"Yah!!!what are you doing here??!"

Me:"oh!my mother.."

Your mother:"what are you doing here??shouldn't you study at home??!"


Your mother:"come here and stand infront of me...now!!"

We get out from the river and go infront of my mother..

Your mother:"didn't I say you should study hard so you can be teacher??!but why you wasting your time here??!"

Me:"I'm..I'm just want to help him.."

Hongbin:"sorry but you shouldn't scold her..and you shouldn't arranging everything for her..isn't its her live??she should do what she want to because live just once..and you as a mother you should support your daughter..lets go
(your name)-ah!!"(pull your hand)


At beach..

Me:"I need go back home..or my mother will be more anger.."(try to ran)

Hongbin:"(grab your hand) wait!before you go back..tell me the truth..do you really want to be what your mother ask you to be??its your dream??or your mother dream??why you need to follow other people dream??isn't its your live??"

Me:".....I..I..I just can't refuse what my mother say..no matter  what I need to follow it..*start to cry*"

Hongbin:"*hug you*don't worry..you can ask your mother nicely..you need to have confident..show your mother that you can be what you what to be.."

Me:"nae~~ha??!what is that??"(you see something black behind the rock..)

Hongbin and you walk to the rock and see a bag..

Hongbin:"ohh!!"(lift the bag)

Me:"is it yours??"

Hongbin:"yes!*smile brightly*"

He open the bag..

Me:"(wah!!there are many book..vocal book..dance book..song book..is he want to be..)singer??*speak out of my head*

Hongbin:"yes..and your dream is to be song writer right??"

Me:"ha?!!how you??!!"

Hongbin:"yesterday I saw many paper that you created your song..I think its a good song..*smile*"

Me:"you think so??"

Hongbin:"yes..so..lets catch our dream!"


4 years later..

You become composer/song write as you always dream want to be..Hongbin also get to be a singer..you two been debut under Jellyfish Ent. and make a performance together..

At the concert..

Hongbin & you:"thank you because always support us!!kamsahabnida!!!!"

The end..
is it boring??mian~~I try my best to make the story fun..

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