Chapter 7

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Okay, okay... I hope this is all that there is, I can only take so much... werewolves, vampires, both of them combined and now witches. What next? Jedi's and Pokémon trainers showing up at my door? Aha. I still can't believe Sienna healed me like that... I walked into my bathroom and put my hand up to my face, I felt where the scars and stiches should have been. Unbelievable. Why isn't she using her power for other people who are hurt?

Now that I knew I was turning, quite soon, I could feel myself getting very emotional. Just like this morning, just after I woke up. I had a dream about my mother, I woke up hysterically crying, wondering, why was it me? Why not someone else? Then I just turned furiously angry and smashed my mirror next to my bed... Then I started crying again. I was a bit of a mess...

My god, was I glad it was Saturday. Time to relax, and just chill out... I heard the phone ring downstairs and Dad answered it.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

I crept out of my bed and stood near the door of the kitchen.

You may think this is weird... but it's weird because we don't usually get phone calls... ever.

"She what?"

I heard more muffling on the phone.

"Yes, yes, well I will let them know. This really is a tragedy. Thank you for calling Principal."

I walked in the kitchen like I hadn't been standing near the door.

Dad hung the phone up.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes... well no, no it isn't Felicia. Miss. Walker, your English teacher, was found... was found dead. She was murdered."


"Yes, you heard me Fel, she was murdered. She left the school late last night, and then they found her body near her car, with... with... with bite marks."

Dad started to tear up. You see, Dad and Miss. Walker, or Beth, were very close. They had been friends for, well since I was little. I think she helped Dad heal, heal as in, try and forget the past, as in try and forget the bad memories about Mum. Sometimes I thought they would get together or something, but they never did, well they might have, but I never got told. I know Beth loved my Dad, and Dad loved her, but not as much as he loved my mum. Beth also knew about Dad being 'different', and she accepted it. I have never seen my Dad so, so sad.

I walked up to him and gave him a big hug, he hugged me back.

"It's always the innocent ones..." he said.

Of course ThoughtDiary was filled up with 'R.I.P Miss. Walker' and such, just like it was for Hailey, although I actually cared about Beth.


Great. My last class is English. Who will replace Miss. Walker? I hope it's not some grumpy old teacher...

The principal walked in through the class door with a very, well I must say, a very attractive man!

The principal cleared his throat.

"Students, meet your new English teacher, Mr. White."

All the girls in my class were swooning over him...

Mr. White was staring right at me. His eyes were so blue; light blue, almost white...

The principal walked out and closed the door. Mr. White walked up to the white board and wrote 'Mr. White'.

"Good afternoon class, as you know, my name is Mr. White."

We all just stared at him.

"What's ya first name?" asked a boy in the middle row.

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