Chapter 3

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I saw these white pointy teeth form in Anton's mouth. I put my hand up to my head, red liquid covered my hand when I looked at it again. In one movement Anton was next to me.

"I wonder if you taste as good as you smell..." Anton said.

"You're, you're one of them!"

"Finally you figured it out. Now, be calm, I don't want you to make a sound, relax Felicia, just relax..."

"What the fuck are you doing?! You monster! You killed Hailey! You killed her!"

"It's not like you liked her anyway Felicia..." replied Anton with a big smirk on his face.

"That's not the point! You killed an innocent girl! So what, I'm next?"

"No, I don't know what I'm going to do with you..."

"You're Kieran's best friend!"

"And? Your just the hot, little sister."

"You seemed like you liked me Anton, now you want to kill me...?"

"I do like you. But... It's the way I live my life. Humans are my breakfast, lunch and tea. I had reasons to kill Hailey. I wonder how she is going with Death."

He's a monster. Wait, what kind of monster? I did do that research... he must be one of those three creatures.

"Are you a vampire Anton?"

"Do you think I am?"


"There's you answer Felicia."

He was a vampire. A fucking vampire... who was about to kill me and drain me of my thick blood. I needed to do something. I don't want to end up like Hailey... I'm not sure why, but I'm not really scared by the whole 'vampire' thing. Maybe I can talk him out of it. I wonder if Kieran knows! Dad and him will be back tonight! And, I'm not dying.

Anton was just watching me.

I ran towards the front door. Anton was already in front of me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

He grabbed my wrist and turned me and slammed my back against the door so hard I cried out in pain. I was breathing so loudly I couldn't here myself think.

"Anton... please don't kill me..."

I was begging him. I want to die of old age, not like this.

"I'm not going to kill you, I was just stopping you. I can't risk you telling anyone about me. You don't understand! You are just like the rest of humans! Judgemental. I was going to bite you, so you could be like me, but something isn't right. I just wanted you to love me like I love you."

Wait.... He loves me?

"You love me?"

"Yes Felicia, I love you."

"But why did you put on the act like you were going to kill me?"

"Because I knew you'd never love me, so I thought I could make you love me."

"I don't understand..."

"You don't have too... I didn't chose to be the way I am. Although I don't hate it. I like hurting people, I like seeing the fear in their eyes whilst their life flashes before their eyes, I like been invincible. I'm dead. But I can feel one thing, and that's love. Love will be the only thing that can kill me. I feel love like you are seeing me right now. It's real. It tortures me, all I think about is love, and how no one will ever love me because I'm like this."

I actually feel pity for Anton. I never knew... He killed hundreds of people, just so he can survive. But he loves me. He really isn't a hurtful creature...

"You're a beautiful creature."

Fuck. Did I just that aloud? I looked in to Anton's eyes. I stared in to them so hard, I looked deep inside, and I saw him. He really loved me.

I placed my hand on his cheek. He was freezing... I pulled my face closer to his, I kissed him so gently. My lips placed on his, they fit perfectly. His cold hands held my neck. I felt something for him, I just didn't know what. I felt safe, he wasn't going to hurt me... or would he?

To be continued.

This isn't my best chapter, but I had some spare time and I really needed to update! Sorry that is short!! :\

I hope you guys like it! Vote and comment! Tell me what you think :)

-Bea. xo

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