Requested ♥°♥ Fat Piece Of Ass

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Alright, first off this is a real life situation. It happened to me on Wednesday, and I'm adding what I wanted to happen. Hope you like it -blackertheberry

I laugh as I continue to go over the events that happened moments ago, with my friend Khadijah (random name). We had just finished our gym class, and we were playing volleyball. Unlike most people in my group, I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, considering I would just hit the ball so it didn't hit me.

"I'm surprised you didn't hurt yourself, hitting that ball in so many wrong ways. I didn't even know, a person can a hit a ball wrong so many times." Khadijah laughs as well, as I shake my head while giggling. "But you always prove me wrong." She adds, as we head into the other part to the gym.

"Yo, Khadijah! Hol' up!" Another girl in our class, Layla, jogs over to us.

"I'll meet up with you in the locker room." Khadijah says, before talking with Layla.

I walk into the lobby of the gym, seeing my crush sitting right next to the door. His name, you ask: Nate Maloley. Everyone knew him, about him, or have just seen him around school. Even though he's my crush, we weren't on talking terms. He was ignoring me.

You see, Nate and I were those two people where everyone who didn't know us, thought we were dating. But we weren't and aren't dating, to my dismay. One moment we're hugging up on each other like a couple—his hands on my ass, while my hands run through his chocolate brown hair. The next moment, we're friends: small quick hugs, hi and bye here and there. And lastly the third side to our relationship: completely ignoring each other.

It usually starts off with him just out of the blue, not talking to me but if he's near me, he'll just look at me, all because of some petty dumb shit. Then I turn around, and decide to make myself look extra pretty with a pep in my step, and be petty as fuck. But I begin to miss him, and ask him are we good after a few days. He'll say we are, and we're back at it again.

We were in the stage of me being petty, so when I walked past him in the gym lobby, I didn't even look at him; he was looking at me though. I swing my hips a little bit more than usual, knowing that'll get a rise out of him. I head into the locker room, changing slowly so I can leave with Khadijah. Khadijah walks into the locker room, changing as well. By the time she's done, I'm ready to leave. We walk out of the locker room, laughing at how I'm not the best volleyball player.

We walk into the school hallways, making our way to exit 9 and 10. Just as we're passing exit 7 and 8, Nate comes from the other way, talking to a friend of his, before coming closer to me. He grabs me gently by my arm and turns me around.

"Come with me." Nate says, holding me close to him.

He takes me into the crowded stairwell, me highly confused. He heads to the exit doors, used to leave the building to go classes outside of the school, making me groan. I threw the hoodie of my coat over my head, as I search through my bag for my umbrella, while he puts his sweater hoodie over his head. Some guy jogs in front of me and behind Nate, causing us to split from each other. Nate waits for me outside, as I try to get past the guy and to Nate.

Once I'm near Nate, he takes my hand in his, pulling me away from the crowd, to a more quiet area near the school. We head to the gates of the baseball field, just as I get my umbrella to open. We stand near the gates, me looking up at him, him looking down at me.

He looks me up and down, a small smirk on his face. I begin to think the worse things possible.

Is he gonna try and fuck me? Is he planning on raping me? Why is he looking at me like that?

I let go of a shaky breath, my body trembling from the cold, rainy air to the creepy stare from Nate. He brings his left hand up to my right cheek, before taking my coat off of me. Before I can argue, his lips press against mine. I gasp in shock, pulling back, Nate looking at me with confusion.

"Milly, I know—" I cut Nate off.

"You know my nickname?" I ask, surprised he even knows it, considering only my friends use it.

"Of course, I do. Unless, you don't want me to call you Milly, I can just call you Erin." Nate says, nervousness clear in body movement.

"No, Milly is alright." I smile, as he looks at me with a relieved expression.

"Well, Milly, I'm in love with you. Ever since the first day I saw you doing them squats in gym, in September, I just knew I had to find out if you had a boyfriend. Because any guy would be like to be able to have that fat piece of ass." Nate smirks, me playfully hitting his arm. "But, what really brought my attention to you was how modest and kind you are. The way you laugh loudly at a joke, to the way you tell these fuckboys to leave you alone. You're independent, and I love that. But you're not conceited like any of these other bitches, you're more of the chill type.

"So what I'm trying to say is, I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine. Will you do that for me?" He gives me a hopeful look.

But I say nothing, as I look into chocolate colored eyes.

I kiss him.

Interracial Imagines and Preferences (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now