Request: I Don't Wanna

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Here you go, Taylor.

I try to hide the enormous grin on my face, as I stand in the front of the crowd. The lights dim down, the screams somehow getting louder. I then see my boyfriend, Shawn, come out on stage. As I dance and sing along to Shawn's angelic voice, I feel some grab on to my shoulder before shoving it. I turn around to see a few girls pushing and shoving behind me, before it becomes a full blown fight.

"Hey! What the hells is going on over there?" Shawn questions into the microphone, stopping the song playing.

His eyes lock with mine, an angry look in his; well there goes my surprise for him.

Security comes and grabs the girls, but also me.

"Security, bring the girl in the white tank top on stage please." Shawn says, a certain edge to his voice.

The security guard that had me in his arms, brings me to the stage. Shawn looking like a concerned and disappointed dad. He hugs me once security let's me go, before speaking in my ear.

"Go to my dressing room. Now." I nod, leaning away from him.

Before I'm able to turn around and walk off, he kisses me and continues the show. I ask someone for the directions to his dressing room, guiding me to it since they've seen my face a few times. I wait patiently for Shawn, knowing I'm gonna get a mouthful from him.

I understand he's protective, but I can handle myself.

I wrap myself in my thoughts, my eyes only look down at my fingers. I continue to ponder on the upcoming scolding Shawn will give me, hoping he isn't too upset.

I decide to take a nap, while waiting for him.


I'm shook awake, my eyes quickly looking up to see Shawn. His nostrils are slightly flared, a frown set upon his face, while his eyebrows are furrowed.

I sit up, Shawn leaning against the wall adjacent from me. I bite my lip, shifting in my seat, his eyes almost looking into my soul.

"How do you go out of your way to get hurt? You could've got punched, kicked—hell, you could've fell over the barrier or fell into it!" Shawn snaps, my body slightly flinching at his sudden outburst.

Shawn continues to rant and rave on, pacing back and forth around the room. Once he's finished, he doesn't sit next to me or hug me. No, he asks me a simple question with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Are you hurt?" I shake my head as an answer, Shawn nodding before sitting far away from me in the room.

It's quiet in the room, besides Shawn's hard breathing going back to normal.

"Babe?" I whisper, not wanting to upset him anymore than he is now. "Shawn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

Still not a peep from him, a sigh leaving my mouth. I think of different ways to make him say something, anything. Then an idea pops in my mind, a smile forming on my face. Pulling my phone out, I find the song and play it, clearing my throat to sing it.

"I don't wanna be...
Be without you, be without you
I don't wanna live...
Live without you, live without you
I don't wanna go...
Go without you, go without you
I don't wanna be alone." I sing, Shawn looking towards me.

I continue the song, tweaking some lyrics to fit our situation, Shawn slightly smiling. Once I finish the song, he gets up from his seat, sits down next to me and holds me.

"I'm sorry." I mumble into his chest.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just worried about you." Shawn says quietly, me nodding. "I'll always be worried about you."

He kisses the top of my head, us staying in this position, as Aaliyah continues to sing in the background.


R.I.P. Baby girl 💖 yesterday was the 15th anniversary of Aaliyah's passing. Still an inspiration to me.

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