School troubles If you chose 2)

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I got up at 5:30 because I couldn't sleep that well thinking about Ayano what if she murdered me too?! You never know! I sighed then got ready And put on my uniform I've kept silent about it for a day now I desperately Wanna tell someone but I-I can't it would Tear me apart and Ayano Would probally murder me(literally)"y/n?" I heard someone say It was the person I Least expected
Yans P.o.v

I Sighed as I knocked On Y/N'S Door "Y/n?" As I stepped in
"I-I'm So sorry Rage Over Whelmed Me a-And I Didn't Know What To-" I was Cut off by her Hugging me as I saw Kokona Look outside and Dropped the apple she was Eating That's Right! she's Mine! stay Away! I smiled to myself

are ya Happy?! I updated ;-; well I'm tired and reason I haven't been updating is a.Figuring out a way to tell my family I'm flipping pan Sooo yah if u don't know What Pan means it means you could Like Girls Or Boys It doesn't matter Or if Your Like My friends And are too lazy for long definitions It's Basicially LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER! Well I am tired and is going to bed!
Ali-Chan Out

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