Final Confrontation

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This Is the Last Actual Story Update That's Related to the story and not a OneShot I Am Doing A Oka X Reader So Stay Tuned anyways Enjoy!

I walked to the Abandoned Gym after school despite the warnings "hello? Anyone there?!"I Heard A Giggle And Followed it and there I saw Ayano Standing There "Ayano? What are you doing here?!"I Exclaimed Adjusting The strap On my Bag "I Came Here To See You..."she came closer and there I saw a Needle "w-What Are You Doing?!"I stepped back wanting to run out the door and Get away from her "Why Don't You Love Me?!"she Smiled creepily "Stop This!"I ran Out The door trying To get away from Her I Felt a Tug On my skirt and Saw her she Had Grabbed my Ankle which Pulled me Back
"Stop!"I cried and realized I was doomed But I wouldn't Give up hope Yet I Am Determined!(Cri ;-; I hate the weather Service alerts) i Had Already tried calling out for help And Tried grabbing my Phone but You Know Life hates Me Soo yah..."Ayano! Stop This What Are You doing?!"I Yell As She Pulled out the needle And Slowly Descended It Onto My Body I woke up a Few hours later I realized I was Strapped on a Chair I Was Wearing a Dress and Had A Ring on "GoodMorning Sweety~"I heard Ayanos Voice say and she Put My Chin Up "oh I Just Adore It when you stay silent~"she laughed and Kissed me I had Tears Streaming down my Face as she started making Out With Me This is It This Is Where it all ends

Welp Here's the Bonus
It's Been 3 months Since (Y/N) has Dissapeared No one Knows Where she is Or if she's Dead all we Know Is She Dissapeared and needs To Be Found Everyday that goes By Is Another Day Not Knowing if she's dead or not
This is The End Of This Book I Hope You Enjoyed It I'm Getting really Teary eyed I Love you guys so much I will Have Small Updates And If You want Go check Out My Other Books For more! And if This Book Gets 20 Votes then I may or may not do another chapter or a X Reader Of Your Choice C: I Really am scared I Just Heard sirens And I'm In My bedroom cowering scared ;-; I have issues With storms Whoever You are no matter where you are you guys Are my World And I love You all Stay Safe I Love You! <3-Alichan

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