Sleepover(Choice 2) part 1

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MUAHAHA Missed me? Nope K Moving on enjoy!

Later that Evening

I Put on a Tshirt And Some Fuzzy Fatman Pants As I Lay In Bed I heard my Phone Buzz And I Felt My Heart Skip a Beat It was Ayano

Ayano:Hey~ (Y/n)-Chan Whatcha Doin ;)

Me:Nothing Just Chilling :/ I'm pretty bored wanna Come over?
I eagerly awaited her response She hasn't come over in forever Finally after 5 Whole Minutes I Felt The Familiar Buzz of my Phone

Ayano:Of Course? Sleepover? I can invite Saki,Kokona,Oka And Pippi

Me:Go Ahead! The more the merrier I'll set up a Group chat

I started setting up the group Chat Scrolling through my phone

Me:Hey Girls! I was gonna Ask You Guys on For a sleepover At my House Tonight?

GURINUU(Our Nickname for her):Sure! I was Going To Send Emails All Night But This Is way Funner!

Ayano:Midori-Chan You Should stop That!

Saki:ANYWAYS On The subject I Can Go

Oka:Same :/ Can we Do a Occult PLEASE

Saki:Meh Id Rather Play Truth or dare


Pippi:Hey sorry For Not responding but I Can go and I'm packed I'm coming over

Me:Great! Last one here has to Clean Out (Y/P)'s Cage

Ayano:Suckas I'm almost here

Kokona:No Fair >:( I'm coming now

A couple of minutes Later everyone Came it was time to have fun!

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