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Louis Tomlinson signed for Doncaster Rovers.
Harry all day today...

Harry: Liam guess what?

Liam: what Harry?

Harry: i'm dating a football player!

Liam: *face palms*

Harry: Zayn guess what?

Zayn: i don't care.

Harry: i'm dating a football player!

Zayn: shut the door Harry i'm trying to sleep.

Niall: Harry guess what?!

Harry: what?

Niall: you're dating a football player! that's soo cool! weyheyyyy! that's the craic!!

Harry and Niall: *fangirl over Louis for three hours while ordering 30 of his jerseys*


[A/NHeyy guys!

This is my first fanfic ever,, so it'll be kinda short and forgive me for my bad grammer bc i'm Egyptian x


I'm Dating A Football Player.(Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now