A New School, Mystery Meat, and the Wandering Light

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The next day, below the Fenton's home in the basement, is Jack Fenton's most proud achievement: the Fenton Portal. It didn't work; or rather, what he thought might not work until his son, Danny, pushed the button on the inside which started the mechanism. The static and ectoplasm sucked into his skin and ectoplasm merged with his DNA. That kind of dilemma could've ended a human's life! But for Danny Fenton he was a one-of-a-million miracle. He became half living and half dead. His well-being is in complete limbo until death does he pass. He became Danny Phantom, the human boy with ghost powers.

A dimly white light phasing through the metal doors of the ghost portal. "I need a body; I need to rest and recover", the white light whispers softly as it floats up and through the ceiling. Mr. Fenton shortly arrives downstairs in his laboratory. He glances left and right and all around him.

"Hmmm... I could've sworn I heard a ghost... or maybe I'm hearing my inner Jazz speaking to me." He nonchalantly shrugs. Suddenly, his face brightens. "I wonder if the Fenton Finder is complete!" He bolts up the stairs to find his wife who was the one modifying the invention.

Across the street, inside the Minamoto residence, in the second-floor bedroom, Koji pulls her cerulean jacket over her white tank top. She dusts away any lingering fluff balls on her gray jeans. She pauses as soon as she reaches for her bandana. A thought passes through her mind. Is it possible to try a new style? She's in a new country, going to a new school, and meeting new people. A small change wouldn't hurt, right?

She unties her ponytail and reties it again using her bandana as a hair ribbon. The fourteen-year-old girl stares at her reflection. She has to admit, that she looks different without her bandana on top and her bangs drop freely bringing more attention to her sapphire eyes. She looks more... feminine.

Koji shakes her head. "Maybe this was a bad idea..." she says aloud. Her hand reaches for her bandana, yet pauses her movement when she heard her stepmother's voice.

"Koji, breakfast is ready!" Satomi's voice booms the halls.

The raven-haired teenage girl opens her door and cries, "I'll be down in a minute." The said girl returns to her room and went to search for her backpack. As soon as she grabs her pack, she notices a shimmering light passing by her window. She wanted to observe it, but the voice of her stepmother calling her name made her pause her observation. Taking one last look at her window, Koji grabs her bag and leaves her bedroom.

After the human girl leaves, the floating light floats back to the same window of Koji's bedroom. It hums in thought before following Koji's presence. It finds her in the kitchen area where it views a woman, who it believes is the mother, who is admiring the young girl's hairstyle. The girl the spirit observes was sheepishly rubbing her neck with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Could she be the one?" the spirit asks itself.

The scene and time change to a modern high school called Casper High in high noon where Danny Fenton walks down its hallways with his two best friends Tucker Foley and Sam Manson. Tucker Foley is a teenage African American boy who wears a yellow long-sleeved shirt, green cargo pants, brown boots, a red beret, and glasses. Many times he had a PDA in hand just for the love of it.

Sam Manson, the only girl in their little group, is a self-proclaimed goth who wears a black tank top with a purple oval on the center (which shows her belly), a black and green plaid skirt, purple leggings, and black combat boots. Her short black hair tied is neck-length with a small ponytail on top.

Danny speaks about his concern about revealing his powers to his family. "I don't know what to do guys", he worriedly says, "it's been a month since I have these powers and I have no control over them, whatsoever. It's already hard enough being a freshman now I have to deal with being a freak!" To prove his point, he subconsciously turns invisible and walks through a vending machine. He returns to solid form, but he hardly notices the change.

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