The Knight Fights Again

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Wherewe last left off, Sam was kidnapped by a sweet, yet gentle ghost witha nasty temple if anyone thinks about changing the menu. Before hehad a chance to act, Mr. Lancer grabbed her friends and dragged off.Now, both Danny and Tucker are stuck in Mr. Lancer's office alongwith a certain blonde-haired bully.

"Let'ssee..." Mr. Lancer begins skimming through the boys' files. "TuckerFoley. A plethora of tardiness, talking in class, repeatedlyloitering by the girls' locker room..." Tucker grins at his pastaccomplishment. "Daniel Fenton. Dropped thirty-seven beakers in thelast month", Danny sheepishly looks away. After obtaining his newlypowers, he has had a hard time controlling his nervousness. And therewere fewincidentswhere he accidentally dropped a fewbeakers."Banned from touching fragile school equipment for the rest of theschool year. Other than that no mischievous acts to consider. Nowtell me gentlemen", he slams the file on his desk, "tell me whyyou have the audacity to destroy the school!"

Dannytries to explain, "But Dash started it! He threw-!"

"Threepasses and six touchdowns in the last game", Lancer counters,making the blond jock puff out his chest in pride. "You, on theother hand, didn't. I'll be right back." He steps out the door withDash. "Guard the door, Mr. Baxter." Dash gleefully smiles tohimself and closed the door.

Assoon as the door closes, Tucker stands up, "We've got to find Sam!For some reason, I feel like it's my fault she was kidnapped."

"Maybeyou told the ghost she was the one who changed the menu and now thevery ghost has a personal vendetta", Danny bluntly explains.

"Oh...right." Tucker sniffs. "Meatloaf; Lunch lady's still here. Twofloors down."

Dannywalks up to Lancer's security monitors. Each screen holds a sectorwhere a security camera is placed. He scans each feed until he sawsomething that catches his eyes. "Tucker, look. Meat trail." Hetransforms into his ghost form and grabs Tucker. Together, they phasethrough the floor toward their destination.

Atthe exact moment, Lancer and Dash enters the office carrying broomsand mops. "All right, boys. Your punishment will be..." hepauses, seeing the two boys gone, "MUCH WORSE THAN YOU CANIMAGINE!!!!"


Dannyand Tucker manage to locate the lunch lady in the storage room. As heleers inside, Tucker became entrance with the large variety of meatall over the room. "Oh sweet Mother of Mutton!" he cries, huggingthe nearest crate, "I always dream of this my entire life!"

"Howis it that I have the ghost powers and you're the weird kid?" Dannyasks his friend.

Acackle reaches their hearing range. They look around the corner andsee the Lunch Lady herself with Sam stuck in a pile of meat. "Whydo you hate meat, dearie", she asks her, sweetly, "Meat is goodfor you; it gives you warm smiles and healthy lifestyles." It onlymakes the Goth grind her teeth and continue to struggle out of themeat pile.

"Meatis filled with fat. And people who depends on fat only dies at ayoung age", Sam protests.

TheLunch Lady's face grows angry. "MEAT IS THE EMBODIMENT OF LIFE! YOUSHOULD PRAISE IT LIKE IT IS YOUR SOUL!!!" Her face softened. "Sowhich is it? Fish or beef?"

Dannywhispers to Tucker. "All right, I'll distract her while you get Samout of that pile of meat."

Tuckerraises two eating utensils (fork and knife). "Way ahead of you."

'Noteto self, ask Tucker why he carries a fork and knife with him when weget out of this', Danny ponders to himself as he flies toward theghost. He punches her in the face. She collides into the wall.

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