I met One Direction???

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*Ryan's P.O.V*

"Dylan you're freaking crazy!!!!!!" I yelled at my best friend Dylan Parks as i ruffled his jet black air. "come on Ry!!!!!! Sing with me!!' he yelled at he turned up the radio which was currently playing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.

My name is Jaycee, but Dylan, and everyone I know, calls me Ryan or Ry. It's my middle name. I'm not your usually teenage girl.... I'm the tomboy, the rebel, the kind that doesn't follow rules, hates make-up but i love shopping. To bluntly say it, I'm a thief. My straight dirty blonde hair flows just to the end of my rib cage, with bangs that cover one of my bright green eyes. I have many piercings and tattoos covering my body.

Dylan found me wandering the streets of London when I was 7. We saved up and moved to America. When I was 16 we moved back to London. That's when I started getting tattoos and piercings. There we met Jace and Kyle. Just 2 months ago us for moved to Bradford together, where I soon became to Bradford Bad Girl. People say that the Bradford Bad Boi left, who is he? I have no idea. But when I say, bad girl I mean, I'm a thief, a criminal and I'm famous because of it.

I jumped up on the counter and laughed at Dylan and his poor attempt to sing. He stopped singing and walked over to me, he pulled me close to me so he was standing him between my legs. Me being an 18 year old that's only 5'' 3' and him being 6''1', we were the same height when i was on the counter. "were you laughing at me?'' he said and rested his forehead on mine. "Damn it Ry, your so fucking wired" Just as I was about to say something another One Direction song by the name One Thing came on.

Uggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If its not obvious I'm not a fan of One Direction. They annoy the hell out of me and Dylan knew it. "I don't even see why there famous!!!!!!! SO what if they're good looking and can sing!!!!!! Millions of people can sing and are good looking!!'' I yelled. "I'm right here you know!'' Dylan shouted and backed away from me. ''Its all your fault" i tease back. Just as he was gonna say something his phone went off, geez get interrupted much.

He put his phone down by his chest and said, "Sorry but i have to go, Adam needs me" "fine" I pouted. "don't let 1D walk in!" with that he left me, alone.

I got bored and started to walk around the store. Me being me i hit my shoulder on a rack and knocked down some belts. Stupid Zumiez and its belts , and if you re wondering, yes i work at Zumiez. So does Dylan. Your probably wondering how I have a job if I'm a thief but Dylan's dad owns it so, I'm hooked.

I bent down on my knees to pick up the beltd when i heard a British accent say, "need some help, love" i smoothly replied, "No thanks im good and dont call me love'' "do you even know who your talking to?" i looked back at him. "FUCK YOU DYLAN!" i yelled. "thats not my name sweetie, its Harry Styles." he said proudly, "yeah i kno its a long story'' i said nonchalantly. "I've got time" "well I don't, my shift ends in 3 mins" i said glancing at my white g-shock. "Ok we are going to my flat" he said bending down to help me.

Just then my co-worker Jamie walked in and said, "heyy hun im her- IS THAT HARRY STYLES?!?!" "Oh great" i muttered sarcastically. "Ill see you later Jamie!! Have fun!" And with that i ran out of the store trying to get away from Jamie and Harry.

I thought i lost him and turned into a Starbucks. "Hi what may i get for you?" The barista asked. ''May I get a Venti Vanilla Bean Frap?'' "Coming right up!'' I went to go sit in a brownish chair in the corner. About 2 minutes later the barista called out my order and i went up to get it. Once i grabbed it i yelled a thanks and started walking towards my flat but i felt an arm snake around my waist. "You think you can escape me that easy?" UGHH Harry's back! "Let go of me." I snapped. "Feisty, i like it" he whispered in my ear, kissing it lightly. "Harry please" i whispered prentending to be vunerable. "ok but I still havent got your n-" he started but was cut off my girls screaming. "Oh crap" he muttered and grabbed my hand, pulling me after him.

After 20 minutes of running, we got to his flat. He pushed me lightly on the couch and sat next to me, trying to catch his breath."Ok well I got to go byeee" I said and got up. "no I want you to meet the lads" he said pulling me on his lap. "what lads" and if on cue, four boys busted throught the door.

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