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We both busted up laughing until we heard clapping. we looked over to see Kyle Jace and Dylan, who had his camera. "I didnt know you could sing." Harry said. "Oh Styles, you dont know alot about me" I chuckled whilst patting his back. I walked out of my room leaving them laughing.


Harry found out I could sing 2 weeks ago and I made him promise that he wouldn't tell anyone and that he wont tell anyone about the fence. Right now im currently sitting in my flat with one direction and Dylan. Liam is showing us videos of Danielle dancing. "Shes pretty good, huh Ry," Dylan smirked. "Shut up don't you dare!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him. "what is it Dylan?" Lou asked. "RYAN CAN DANCE!!! AHHH save me" He yelled hiding behind harry. "show us!!!" they all yelled. "Fine" I huffed. Me and Dylan moved the couch back and made a clear spot. Dylan got the music from his phone and said "Were gonna do the easy 7 second one ok?" "Yeah whatever." I replied. He pressed play and we did our 7 second routine.

"EASY? You think that's easy! I cant even do that in my dreams!!'' Niall shouted. I laughed and then my face went serious. "Dylan, Imma kill you." and he hid behind Harry once more.

"Hazz, please move" I said softly. "No can do Razza" Harry said and Dylan smirked. "ok let's try this again. STYLES! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" I yelled and as soon as he jumped out of the way, I jumped on Dylan's back. We fell to the floor and I was pulled away from Dylan. I squirmed to get out of whoevers grip. I was soon threw over a shoulder I knew as Harry Styles.

"AHHHHHHHHH Harry PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and he just chuckled and walked away with me. "UGH!!!!!! ZAAAYYYYNNNN HELP ME!!!!!!!!'' I screamed and Zayn ran over, pulling me off Harry. Still carrying me, Zayn ran out of the living room towards my room. He put me down as we check to see if they followed us. We saw they didnt and we Walked in "Zayyyynnnn! I wanna go to a party" I whined. "Ask Dylan or something. I dont know where anything is around here, or anyone anymore. Were only visiting." Zayn pointed out. "Oh yeah huh. How long are you guys staying??"

"Um like 2 more months then we have the Where We Are tour." He answered. I pulled out my phone and called Dylan. He answered on the 2nd ring. "Sup"

"Dylan, whens the next party??" I asked quickly. "Uhh in like 2 hours I think why?" He asked. "Ok tell the boys to go to their flat and get ready then meet us back at ours. Were going to a party" I beamed and hung up. 'Ok bye Z im going to get ready. Meet me back at my place ok?" I said walking out the door. He muttered and ok and I was gone.

After I finished curling my now blue and blonde hair, (I dye it alot) I applied mascara and eyeliner. I decided on wearing my fringe queen black crop top with my cut up black shorts and my all black converse.

"RYYYAAAANNN!! THE BOYS ARE HERE!" I heard Dylan yell. I ran out of my room and stopped in my tracks. Wow. The boys looked amazing. And Zayn, oh my god Zayn. Flawless. Ok so maybe I have a little crush on him but can you blame me? He's Zayn MotherFucking Malik.

Louis had a disapproved look on. Did I mention hes SUPER over-protective."Jaycee, go change." He told me. I scoffed. "Oh Lewis, my names Ryan and were going to a party. Let me be." He narrowed his eyes at me but walked towards the door. I smirked and shoved my phone into my pocket. "Ok Dylan, Kyle Niall and Liam will go in Dylans car and Me, Lou Harry and Zayn will follow in Lous car, since Jace is in Flordia ." I announced and we walked out.

I sat in the back with Zayn while Lou was driving and Harry called shotgun. "Curly bastard" I muttered. "Thanks Razz. By the way, nice piercing" Harry winked. I looked down at my belly button piercing and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zayns jaw clench."Why thank you Hazza" I beamed. Harry was about to say something until Lou cut him off. "Why do you have so many tattoos and peirceings?"

Bradford Bad Girl (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now