I win again!

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*previously on BBG*

I arrived at Carlos' 3 minutes before 9. "Baaabe" he said and slung his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes as we waited for 3 more people to show up. When they showed up we left. All in all, there was five of us in Carlos' car. The first 3 were easy, simple little thefts. Me being the only girl, they made me go last. We waited for Carlos to come back. He was in AT&T, stealing an IPhone with a case. How? I have no idea. He came back and we sped off. "Ryan, steal me some cigerrtetts and some vodka!" Carlos shouted when we pulled up to the store I would be robbing.


I walked aimlessly through the corner store slightly hiding my well known face. When I saw a microwave in the back, my face light up. New trick! I picked up a can if beans and placed them in the microwave. I pressed 5:00 and walked away, half smiling at the clerk. I walked around mire slowly counting in my head. I stopped near the front desk. 1...2....3...... BOOM! the microwave exploded and I made my move. I grabbed some cigs and a vodka bottle. Just for the fun I took some skittles and the security tape. I ran outside and hopped in Carlos' car. I handed him his stuff and told him to take me home. On the way back, all 5 of us discussed who won. Yeah budday!! I won! I smirked in accomplishment and I hopped out. "Till next month my fellow theifs" I said and left them laughing. When I got inside, the boys were sleeping. I kicked off my combat boots and took a shower.

After I got out, I almost immediately crashed. 'What an eventful day' was my last thought before drifting asleep.

I woke up to someone banging on my door. "Ryan get your arse out here!!" I heard the famous voice of Harry Styles.

I ran my fingers through my hair and yanked open my door. "You never texted me" he said narrowing his green eyes. "That's why you came here?" I complained. "Yes and No, get ready, were going to the park." and he left my room.

I decided on wearing my batman t-shirt with ripped skinnys and converse. Yeah I love batman ok.  

I walked into the living room and spotted Harry and Zayn. Fuck. I slowly started walking back to my room when I heard Harry. "coming Ryan?" You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Yeah budday! Now where we going?" I said walking into view. Zayns jaw was agape and Harry was smiling. "Aww babe, you didn't have to get dressed up for me!" He teased. "Fine, I'll go change.." I tempted "NO!" They both shouted. I laughed and Harry pulled me out the door.

"Why was he there!?" I hissed at Harry."Why do you have something against him?" Harry pushed. "listen Hazz, I don't wanna talk about it." I snapped. He half smiled and pulled me after him. I slipped behind him and jumped on his back. He caught me and I yelled "OFF TO NARNIA YOU PEASENT!!" He laughed and started running. We stopped in front of a Starbucks and I jumped off his back. "this isn't NARNIA!" I pouted. He was about to say something when he got cut off by screaming. Déjà vu. But it wasn't fans, it was the paps.


Short chap, sorry. Busy weekend! Comment! Vote! Do something that tells me you like this book so far!!  Ryan's outfit when she was with Harry is on the side!!! Love ya,

xx Lil

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