Minori Otsuka

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--Minori's POV-
I was heading back to Yumi and I's place, I had been working my part time shift at a badass clothing store. It's where me and Yumi get most of our clothes, we both work there on different shifts sometimes the same shift. We enjoy working at "Dark Coffin" yeah weird name but it's an awesome store we both really love. Some people find the store out of place, strange and werid but there's many people that shop there. From music lovers to anime, and more, it maybe be a different type of store but hey at least people shop there and don't care what others say. We enjoy that store and won't let anyone take it down, not that they have tried to but if they did they wouldn't defy Yumi's words, they know her as a type of outcast princess and accept her as she is. She wasn't born into a royal family, but she is a powerful and magical mage, she has saved the village that they called her the lightening princess, just a nickname. Anyways i was on my way home when i stopped to buy a few snacks, Yumi loves them. I found her favorite thing, chocolate, she is sorta umm well not crazy for it but more of in love with chocolate. I always give her little gifts like this because i've had a crush on her for the longest. Many girls would ask me why i'm with her, or even friends with her but i've loved her ever since she was rejected by other kids. Now not much but since girls find me "hot" they want my attention. Although Yumi only catche my eye. I arrived home and the first thing I notice is a navy blue haired guy shirtless with only a towel around his waist. "Why are you naked??!?!?" I shouted startling him.
--Gray's POV--
I was chasing Natsu around Yumi's living room because well lets go into flashback shall we...
~~Magical Gray Flashback~~
I decided to shower to relax a bit, I was calmly enjoying my shower when I heard the door open then after a while I heard a snap of a picture and some rustling then the door close. I hurried up and when i got out my clothes were missing, i quickly put my towel on and then ran out the door. Once I was out I noticed Natsu laughing with Erza, Lucy and Yumi, Natsu was holding my clothes in his hands. "NATSU!!!!" I yelled as I started chasing after him, we ran around the living room.
~~End of Flashback~~
I was still running around trying to catch Nastu when someone walked in from the front door and I heard them yell "why are you naked??!?!?" I was startled.
~~Cliff hanger~~

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