A few years later

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It's been a few years later and both Natsu and Gray have grown up. They still have their fights and battles. When Erza comes back they act as thoough they have a great friendship. They both enjoy hugging eachother knowing their close. Eventhough they seem to hate each other in everyone else's eyes, they secretly love one another. We all know Natsu is clueless but in this case Gray is the same. It's another normal day at the Fairy tail guild, everyone is chatting and having fun that is until she walked in. Erza Scarlet also known as Tatiana, everyone knows her to be the meanest and one of the strongest mages of Fairy tail. Natsu and Gray were arguing but both fell silent and got all buddy buddy with each other as they noticed Erza. Lucy had joined the guild as a new member of the Fairy tail guild, in which this case Erza doesn't know her yet. Lucy had been talking to Marijane at the bar. Erza walks up to Lucy, "your a new member of Fairy tail i see, my Name is Erza Scarlet it's nice to meet you," she says while holding out her hand. Lucy shakes her hand and replies, "hello and yes i'm Lucy it's nice meeting you." Everyone was surprised that Erza wasn't mean but nice to Lucy. Although in the back ground a pink haired and darkblue/black haired mages where glaring at each other like always. Erza turned around and noticed them, "would you two quit and learn to get along," she yelled. She had given Lucy a fright there and she sweatdropped. Both mages quit and hugged each other like friends.

(Natsu's POV)
Erza sure is scary but i will fight her again and i will win because i have become stronger than last time. I thought to myself, i enjoyed being close to Gray although his clothes are gone. "Gray your clothes," i said blushing lightly at the ice mage being in his boxers again for the millionth time already.

End of POV

(Gray's POV)
Damn Erza is back and she's scary when she's mad. I do enjoy being close to Natsu, my feelings for him haven't faded but the opposite just grown stronger, i thought as i was soon brought back to reality by Nastu saying something. "Gray your clothes," he said, i looked down "not again," i said. I went to put my clothes back on.

End of POV

We all remember the last time Natsu and Erza fought, Erza beat him and he was still trying to get stronger to fight her again. What surprised the two was what Erza said to them. "Natsu and Gray i want you two to join my team." Everyone was shocked even Lucy, we all know they can't get along so Erza's plan was two have both mages learn to cooperate and become friends. Little did they all know that both mages, fire and ice will soon be more than friends. They will both fall in love and keep their love a secret. Erza asked Lucy to join as well more for the sake to keep the two from fighting while she wasn't looking. Happy went over to the bulletin board to look for a mission for them to do.

To be continued.

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