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YOUTUBE VIDEO: watch it to get an idea of the Nogitsune & the setting

PHOTOGRAPH: the setting for the scene^^^

o E N J O Y  o



I need to get out of here- I have to get out of here.

I run towards the front doors not wasting a moments spare in this freak show. I let out a frustrated groan as I realize the door isn't budging.

Shit, it's locked!

I bang my fists against the metal doors hoping someone will open the door. After a million failed attempts the horrid sound of a hundred lockers slamming and opening like a hurricane erupts in my eardrums. My heart accelerates as fear becomes too close to breathe.

He's close; I can hear voices too; oh god please tell me I'm not hallucinating!!!

Suddenly the whispers of the voices becomes louder; almost deafening. An infants voice booms into my eardrums of the nursery rhyme 'Ring Around The Rosie ' followed by screams of terror of humans being slaughtered to oblivion as the instrumental background sound. I shut my eyes tightly at the horrid headache arising within me.

God dammit why won't this fucking door open?!

'Ring around the Rosies;Pockets full of Posies; Ashes, Ashes, We all Fall down"

With each struggle of budging the door the voices only become deafening. I plug in my ears as I let out a ear screeching scream into the hallway as it echoes back.

'Ring around the Rosies ; Pockets full of Posies; Ashes-Ashes, We all Fall down"

I sigh as I lean my head against the wall. Please make it stop!

I sink against the door as the voices slowly fade away into silence. I sigh and rub my face in exhaustion of the horrid mess I've been engulfed in. I prop my knees to my chest as I lay my head between my knees in utter silence to rest when I hear the ear bleeding sound of claws screeching against metal lockers.

I twitch my head up at the sound . From a far away distance I can hear him let out a psychotic laugh.

" You really thought you could beat me? Me???! this is my game!!" He roars across the hallway, a smirk clearly plastered on his face with his words. He gives me a dark glare as his nails screech against the metal lockers; his black leather combat boots hard against the cold floor thumping in intimidation as he slowly strides towards me; clearly in no rush to kill me.  "You honestly think your so smart in killing me huh? KILLING ME?!! I'M A THOUSAND YEARS OLD!!! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!" He roars as the veins in his forehead bulge out ready to pop at any moment. 

In lightning speed I get up from my sitting position and bolt out of the scene and downstairs into the courtyard, ahead of me I see another set of metal doors. I sigh in relief and push open the doors.

Locked again?! SERIOUSLY?!!

Before I have time to flee I feel a familiar yet stinging sensation of his claws sinking into the flesh of my neck. I gasp at the feeling of my skin slowly separating apart from the sensation of his claws ripping apart my delicate flesh.

His claws had the impact of drawing blood but not  to kill me.

I bite on my tongue as I refrain from screaming- refusing to give him the satisfaction of feeling pain.

My stubbornness only gets him furious which results in his claws only digging in deeper; occasionally fiddling with my spinal cord. I plant my feet stiff on the floor refraining from slipping into unconsciousness.

He takes his claws oozed in my blood out of my flesh making my neck go stiff in slight pain. He slowly turns me around to face him, his left and clean hand slowly moves towards my face, I hold in my breathe. I love you mom...

He slowly pulls a hair strand behind my ear and with his right bloody hand he caresses my cheek; staining my skin with my own blood.

"What did I tell you about running away bambino?" He speaks softly into my ear; but I know he is anything but soft.

A trickster. A manipulator; another one of his sick games.

I remain still, focusing my attention to my slightly torned combat boots. " I SAID- what did I tell you about running away from me??!" He roars pulling the head of my thick scalp of my tangled and dirty brunette hair. I wince in pain and slowly look up into his eyes wishing I was dead. "Aw why the long face? I practically own you.. No need to run from your fate," he chuckles sinisterly as his arms corner me against the door. "I. Own. You- you are MINE!" He roars the last word as his lips engulf mine.

To say I was disgusted - to say I was terrified - to say this is wrong- to wish I was dead....

I try to refrain the bile threatening to rise in my mouth. I squirm under his tall frame but it only encourages him. I let out a cry of pain when his claws dig deep into my back. He slowly breaks away to catch his breathe. "Stop fighting it Sapphire, this is fate-"

I interrupt him in laugher "Fate??fate??! with a nogitsune that slaughtered my mother?!! You know NOTHING about fate!! Fate with a demon that could possibly kill me?! Good and evil do not mix get that through your thick demon possessed skull!" I roar in venom.

If Kim Kardashian's first marriage only lasted for seventy-two days what makes you think me and you are destined? (what up Kim )

I slowly look up and his face and my grin slowly fades away when I see his face is anything but amused.

"You clearly underestimated my abilities piccola tigre (little tigre)" he grins and lifts up my chin in a harsh matter. He gasps as he holds onto me for support, he slowly rips out an arrow that has been plunged deeply into his back.

"How many times do I have to say it?" He slowly strides towards the man with the crossbow with the single arrow masked with black blood clutched in his hand.

Each step Xavier takes the man shoots his arrows at him but he keeps walking towards him.

By the time he is two centimetres from him the man is out of arrows to shoot. "I cannot be killed. Get. It. Right," he flares his nostrils and in lightning speed he throws the arrow at the man's chest killing him instantly. I gasp and look away with the only sounds of flesh tearing apart and organs being ripped out.

Too many killings...I have seen too many people get killed...all because I refused to let the darkness consume me. Maybe I should stop fighting it.

"Here's a little souvenir present...made with love," he smirks as he hands me the poor man's head. " I still have a heart you know." He closes the distance between us while taking a bite of the man's heart in his bloody hands and engulfing his lips with mind once again in a twisted fantasy of possession and hostage; and in a horrid turning of events I knew it was too late for I have accepted the darkness.

Or at least I hoped I didn't....

I wrap my arms around his back as time moves by slowly.

It's laughable to think that he believes I'll become like him, sike.

As I wrap my arms around his back my claws begin to form and I dig deep into his flesh making him scream out in pain. He tries to squirm under my touch but I keep him in place as I only cause more pain onto him.

After a few more seconds of torture I finally release my claws from him. He gasps and falls on the floor into unconsciousness. I lean towards him; slowly moving his damp hair from his eyes and chucking darkly.

"Never trust a fox."


Sooo what do you guys think?
To be honest I really don't know where I'm going with this? Hahaha

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