Chapter 5: Meet my new friend with benefits!

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Authors note: WHAT?! A.J's posting a new chapter on a Monday?! Well yes, you want to know why? I'm bored and I feel like writing and since I have nothing to do, why not?

Okay let's get on with this!!!


Kevin's P.O.V

I told Steven my feeling. Finally I got it off of my chest and to my luck he doesn't hate me, good. But we're not dating, more like we're friends with benefits. I didn't want things to be like this, I wanted to be more to him but Steven wants to experiment or whatever that means. So in other word we're friends but with benefits. Great.

"HEY KEVIN HURRY UP!!!" Steven shouted from downstairs.

"I'm going!" I said.

By the way it's comic-con today. I dressed up as my Minecraft skin. Black suit, black hat, black gas mask and to go with it black boots and a fake gun. I head downstairs not wanting to make Steven wait anymore.

"Finally, come on!" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me outside of my house.

"Wait let me lock the door!" I grumbled.


"Steven comic-con won't go anywhere."

"Yeah but I want to spend as much time as we can over there."

I locked the house walking to my car. I got on the driver seat while Steven was in shotgun. I buckled my seat belt and adjusted the mirrors finally turning on the engine and headed to comic-con. It took me a 50 minutes drive to get there.

Steven was squeaking and giggling once we got there. It was pretty cute.

"Okay we're he-."

"Yay comic-con!!!"

"Steven wait!"

He was running into the building, me following him in the back. It was huge inside, filled with many different types of people dressed up in many things. Steven couldn't help but let out a few squeals of excitement, he was acting like a child. I liked it.

After a few hours of walking around taking pictures with random people dressed up in our favriote characters from games and T.V series and such, plus socializing, me and Steven decided to eat at the food court. The tables were full so we ate on the floor in a little corner spot. I took of my mask from my face so I could eat, gosh was I sweating. Steven was eating french-fries and there was a little bit of ketchup smeared on the left corner on his lips.

"Umm you have a little..."


"Let me get it for you." I got closer to him and licked it off. We're friends with benefits so it doesn't matter.

"I got it."

He was blushing a deep shade of red. It was so cute. I herd a squeal behind me.

"OMG IT'S SCMOWNS AND TOMANEX!!!" A girl screamed with too girls behind her also giggling and squealing.

Oh no fan girls. I hope they didn't see what I did to Steven.

"And he licked Steven's face!"


"Are you guys going out together?!"

"N-no!" Steven yelped.

"It's nothing like that!" I panicked.

"I can't wait to blog this on tumblr!" One of the girls said.

I grabbed Steven's hand as fast as I could and pulled him out of the building with me. I drove home. When I got to the house, Steven pulled the keys out of the engine befor I could and went running into the house. I can tell he's mad.

I went to the couch and sat down. Steven came into the living room with a new pair of clothes on.

"Are you mad?"

"No, more like embarrassed."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you." He said, sitting in the couch next to me.

"I just realized something."


"I left my gas mask at comic-con."

"We can always get a new one." He giggled, settling his head on my chest.



"What are we?"

"I- I don't know." He stammered. I was going to kiss him but my phone went off. Well'p Eddie decided that now was the right time to call me. Well fuck. I picked up the phone and put it on speaker.


"Kevin! I heard on tumblr that you and Steven kissed at comic-con."

Fuck the news ran quick.

"Yeah but it didn't mean anything." Steven said. That kind of hurt my feelings.

"What?" Sly said confused "Usually when people kiss it means a lot."

"Yeah but we're not dating, we're more like friends with benefits." The way he says it kind of makes my heart feel pain.

"Wow what happend over there with you two, since when are you guys all of a sudden friends with benefits?"

"It just an experiment that me and Kevin made a deal on doing."

"Yeah...just a deal."

"Hmm, sounds shifty. But okay I'll let it slide."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go take a shower." I said wanting this conversation to end soon.

"Okay I guess I'll leave you two alone, see ya!" He hanged up.

I got up and went upstairs and stripped off from my clothes getting in the hot water shower.

I hate this, I hate being toyed with. Here I am trying to show my love to this guy and all he does is think of me as a friend with some type of benefit. I don't want this but I have to deal with it.

I'm going to make him like me, some way or another.


Authors note: Hey, sorry if you guys don't like this chapter because its depressing for Kevin, but like I said in the beginning of this story, I'm not going to rush the romance. So while one is in love and the other is still developing it gives me the chance to not rush any romance whatsoever. Same go's for ImmortalFox, they don't know if they should date or not yet. So yeah but don't worry maybe in a few more chapters their will be some romance just not now.

Anyways see you guys later.

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