Catching up(chapter-12)

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Hellow blueberrys!!!! Hope you fabulous people had a marvelous week and that all good things came your way!!! Now let's get right into this weeks chaper and I I'll see you people later!!!U^ェ^U



(Lucys pov)

"LUCY!!!JUVIA!!!" the girls yelled as they ran up to us. I smiled happily at them as me and Juvia hopped of the stage and welcomed them with open arms, ready to be imbraced by our sisters.

All three of them tackled us, the little dragon slayer who wasn't so little anymore with her black sneakers and a black T-shirt with the words
'2 words, 1 finger' along with a pair of ripped jeans,
And he hair which was pulled in to a high pony tail, a bookworm who looked more like a total bad ass with her maroon halter top along with a headband to match and a leather vest with a pair of leather pants to go with it and finally a pair of combat boots , and the demon match maker who looked the same, still cheerful with her red and what dress, still beautiful to.

"Thank Mavis you're alright!!" Mira started to sob. "Th-they kept s-saying that w-weaklings l-like you g-guys would a-already be dead by now!" Wendy clung on to us tightly, as if she was afraid that if she let go we would disapear, and cryed. "We never believed them, we knew that at you guys wouldn't be killed, EVER!!!" Levy finally finished.

"We are truly sorry for worrying you, but we are here now" Juvia spoke softly as she lifted Wendy's head and wiped away her tears. "J-juvia-nee! Your n-" Juvia cut her off. "Yes, I am aware that I am not speaking In third person at this time. I learned to stop doing so" Juvia said to her as she helped the smaller bluette up. Me and the other girls followed.

"Come on! Lets catch up with each other!" Mira said as she wiped her tears away. "Yeah! We'll have our own little celebration away from all these jackasses." Levy added as she pulled me and Juvia toward the bar with Mira and Wendy smiling brightly behind us.

"So Lucy, how did you turn into that animal thing from befor? Can you use transformation magic? If you can, then what kind? Because you didn't have any human characteristics. You were a full on animal." Mira questioned excitedly as she poured our beers and a glass of lemonade for Wendy of course."Well it wasn't transformation magic, it wa-" I was cut off by a fucking strawberry and it's acomplise, an ice cube.

"What she used was an illusion, 'cause there ain't no way in hell they would be able to do that" Natsu smuggly announced earning a few chuckles from the guild. I turned around and shot daggers at the two. "What? So you think that just because you have a new look you'll magicly gain power? Ha! Thats histericle. The only magical thing here Is the force that kept you two weaklings alive" Gray added causing the entire guild to come alive with roars of laughter.

I heard a glass shatter and turned back around to see Mira, Levy, and Wendy all shaking with pure anger and hatred. I saw Juvia place a hand on Mira's. "Its alright nee-sans they don't bother us" Juvia gave them a teeny tiny smile. Her smiles have been forced lately. I can tell, they aren't genuine. I'll have to ask her about that later. "Yeah, we'll beat there asses later, so don't worry about it" I, on the other hand, gave them a huge grin.

"Yeah right! I'd like to see you last two seconds against us" Natsu scoffed. "We will not fight right now. As you can see, we are currently ca-" Gray cut Juvia off.

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