Stage One(chapter-24)

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Hellow my bluberry! Sorry but ive secuded that since I procrastinating so damb much that I'm just not gunna put specific times in my all. They wont take forever to update but it won't be like really often. Anyway that's all and I hope you guys enjoy the'll understand why I named it that at the end of the chapter! Anyway! Enjoy!

"I see...that is quite the problem you have there" Poralocia told the two girls as she walked over to Juvias sleeping figure. "If you want my advice then I suggest you don't tell them th-" she started.

"What?! This too important not to tell them!" Stella interupted the her. "Stella, don't be rude. I'm sure she has a reason for what she said." Luna scolded her. "B-" "Stella!"

The blonde huffed and flopped down on a near by chair. "Thank you. Now please continue, Poralosia." She said as she shifted her gaze back to the old woman. "Thank you. You shouldn't tell them beacuse it seems like when Wendy told her that their was something sucking out her life force the process sped up, causing the pain to intensify. So If you and that idiot over their don't want them to die, then you shouldnt tell them" Poralosia explained.

"Hey! who are you calling an idiot, ya old hag!" Stella growled. Luna signed. "I understand. If it is truly as you say, then they mustn't want the girls to find out at all"

"Thats at least what it looks like. Now, I need to treat her before the sedatives wear off, so get out" she strictly instructed. Luna nodded and dragged Stella out of the room as Proalosia began the operation.


As Mira came out of the infermary, she looked around for the shadow dragon slayer that she left alone.

She saw him sitting at a table with his head in his hands and Frosch beside him, with tears in his eyes. Her eyes softened as she felt pity for them. She walked over to the two and sat down next to Rogue.

"Rogue...? Are you OK...?" Mira softyly said. He didn't say anything for a while.

"...I saw her" He suddenly spoke. "I thought so. But you don't need to worry, Poralosia is treating her as we speak. She may be mean at times but she takes her work very seriously." Mira assured him as she petted Frosches head.

Rogue sighed as he lifted his head from is hands. "I know that, but I'm still worried. I knew that she was hurting but to hear and see her in such agony...and to see her cry right in front of me..." as he went on his voice wavered. "I know Rogue. We all feel that w-"

"No! Its not the same!'s not the same" Rogue shouted, startling both Frosch and Mira. "Sorry...but I'm certain what you're talking about isn't the same as what I'm feeling right now" He apologized.

Mira smiled sweetly. "Its fine. But, that reminds me. I was going to tell you something before everything started getting all crazy"

"I wanted to tell you that I think you like Juvia as more than just a friend" Mira said. "That's--" "Just let me finish." she cut him off. "I am an expert at these things trust me. They can we the demon match maker" Mira said proudly. Rogue sweat dropped.

"Anyway. You care about her a lot, you don't like seeing her get hurt, and you just said that what your feeling right now is diffrent then what I am. It practically screames that you like her" Mira giggled.

Rogue signed. "I don't know...I'm just kind of confused about it" he admitted. "How about this then: There's a carnival in town today. So, how about you take Juvia there after Poralosia's done." Mira suggested with a finger raised.

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