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Hello people of the world! It's one of your authors here to mention a few things before we get this story started.

Well first off, I'd like to stress that there will be spoilers in the book. Some of them could be big ones, and if there are, the chapter will probably contain a spoiler warning just so that you know. SO PREPARE YOUR MINDS EVERYONE! And don't say I didn't warn you...

Next, I'm sure you noticed that this is an Attack on Titan fanfiction and that's probably why you're reading this right now, but I am going to let you in on a little secret. Ready for it? I'm not Hajime Isayama, so this is a disclaimer because I do not own AoT in any way, shape or form. Shocking, right? Actually I'm sure it wasn't that surprising, but you never know.

I would also like to mention that I am one of three authors coming together to create this fanfiction. I thought it would be fun to make this with friends without discussing any chapters or possible plot-twists, so we all have to read each other's chapters to find out what's going on! Crazy right? Hehe, I have a lot in store for them... Okay no sorry that sounds creepy.

The next somewhat boring topic I'm going to mention is updating. We will try to be consistent in our updating style and write as fast as we can to publish chapters. Although in order to make sure that everything we publish is to the best of our capabilities, it might take some time. So please be patient with us.

One last thing to mention, please please PLEASE don't be a silent reader! We'd like to hear what you think of the story, so don't be afraid to comment anything that's on your mind while reading. Constructive criticism is accepted too! (Don't beat us up too bad though, okay? Promise? No? Alright fine T-T).

Now you can (finally) get to the story, so yay for chu!

P.S., If the need to mention something else arrises then we will be sure to have author's notes for you all to read and enjoy!


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