The Missing Wound

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The Garrisons doing their morning patrol on top of Wall Sina rested easy as they kept watch.

It looked to be the start of a peaceful day. The morning sun breached the horizon and turned the sky different shades of orange and pink. Birds chirped in greeting to one another and created a pleasant melody that helped add to the tranquil scene.

It was ruined when suddenly a crowd of curious people gathered around and the noise they made drew the attention of a nearby captain, more specifically Captain Erwin. He made his way to the center of the crowd to see what all of the ruckus was about. There on the ground before him lay three girls. They were covered in dirt and blood and were absolutely filthy. At first sight you would have thought that the three were dead, but with a closer look you could see the slight rise and fall of their chests, an obvious sign that they were in fact still alive. The people all around him seemed to keep their distance from each of the bodies, and so they gasped in shock as Erwin walked towards one of the girls.

"Oh look who decided to show up, the cause of almost all of the destruction in our city. How wonderful."

"I bet he's here to cause more trouble for us."

"Does he really believe he is making a difference? If anything humanity is in worse condition than ever before, all thanks to him."

Erwin ignored all the crude comments aimed at him and instead focused on what had brought him here in the first place. One girl had somehow ripped her shirt on her left shoulder, which also happened to be where her shirt was stained red with blood. From far away he couldn't be sure if what he saw was true, but now that he had a better view, he was able to confirm it. There was not a scratch on the girl's shoulder, yet there was evidence of a cut there. Besides that, there was the fact that the blood was still fairly new, as it had not dried to the point where it became flaky and brown. Could the wound have healed that fast? No. Even if it did, it wouldn't have left such smooth skin, there would have to have been some kind of scar or sign that it had been there. If he had more time, he would have checked to see if the other girls looked the same as this one, but just as he was about to check them out he heard a voice from behind him.

"Alright people! Please continue with your normal daily activities, there is nothing to see here!"

One of the M.P.s had come to send the people away. Probably so they can take the bodies somewhere.. Erwin waited until he was sure everyone had left the perimeter before he approached the soldier, who saluted him respectfully, "Where are they going?"

The boy gave him a puzzled look. "Sir?"

Erwin gestured towards the bodies, "Where have you been ordered to take these girls?"

"I was told just to clear the crowd. There should be other M.P.s coming to retrieve them."

"Oh I see. So you have no idea where they're being taken?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you even if I did, Commander."

Erwin stepped towards the young boy, who was undoubtedly intimidated by him, and placed a hand on his shoulder before leaning in towards his ear, "This could be the difference between life and death, soldier. I need to know where they will be brought."

"I-I can't just give information to you like that, sir."

Erwin stood up straight. "I understand." He walked passed the young man before pausing, "I hope you won't regret this. What you know could have saved lives."

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