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Katniss Everdeen

"I can't believe we graduate in a week." Peeta says on this beautiful June day, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I know, I know." I tell him as I turn around to face his beautiful blue eyes. I blink my grey ones right back at him and smile.

"Its such a beautiful day!" He exclaims as he stretches out just a bit further onto the lush grass. School had just ended and we were now in a meadow close to our houses. You see, Peeta and I had been neighbors since we were ten years old. It wasn't until freshman year that we became an official couple, and everything had been perfect since.

"Yeah, it really is." I whisper as I snuggle closer into his chest; basking in the warmth of him and the sun.

We sit there for awhile. I listen to his heartbeat, and he plays with my hair.

"Katniss?" He asks me unsteadily as he sits up. I follow him, and together we sit knee to knee on the earth.

"Yes?" I ask him back, now alarmed at his sudden change of tone.

"I...I have something to tell you." He says, and already, I can feel his heartbeat quicken underneath the thin fabric of the green T-shirt he wore.

"What is it?" I ask him back alarmed.

With suddenly shaky hands, he pulls an envelope out of the back pocket of his jeans. Its worn, I can tell someone had clutched it for a very long ammount of time.

I smirk a little. "What's this?"

"Read it..." He trails off unsteadily.

So I do.

With my own shaky hands, I peel back the flap of the envelope to reveal a stamped letter. One that would change my life forever.

Dear Mr. Mellark,

We would like to congratulate you on your recent admission into Panems League of Soldiers. Your selfless act to fight for your country is one that is appreciated by all.

Your departure from District 12 will take place on June 10th, and it is from there that you will be sent to a discreet location for training.

We appreciate your service.

Best regards,

Sargent Dean.

I finished reading that letter, and my hand immediately slapped over my mouth to hold back my sob. The tears pour down my face and it feels like the wind's been knocked out of every inch of my body.


"I'm so sorry Katniss...I-"

"NO! You can't leave! What does this mean to you?!" I say, sticking my ring finger in his face. There sits the engagement ring that he gave me over Christmas break, the one that symbolized a promise; the promise of him being mine forever.

His blue eyes go wide; I almost never shout. Before I can think about it, his arms are wrapped around my waist as I sob. It is only then that I realize how badly I'm hyperventilating.

"Shh, I'm so sorry Katniss."

"You could die, Peeta! You could leave me forever and the only person I'd have who I loved would be Prim!"

"Katniss, I have to do this! It was the only thing my father ever asked of me and I sure as hell don't plan on ignoring his last wish."

The talk of his father makes me go silent. His father had served for years, but had faced a sudden death the summer before Peeta and I started freshman year.

I'll never forget that day. The muggy heat was enough to send beads of sweat down our bodies within seconds of being outside. Peeta and I were going to go get ice cream for ourselves. I remember the sweet vanilla treat that melted in my mouth, the bike ride back. We were confused to hear sirens wailing just a block away. As kids, of course we were curious. So we sped down the alleys and sidewalks to be met by a literal nightmare.

Fire. Fire was everywhere. But this place; we knew this place too well. The Bakery; the Mellark Bakery. The heat made everything hazy but I do remember Peeta's pained screams and cries, I remember how tightly he had grasped onto me and how he never wanted to let go.

His father was the only one working there that day, and was rushed to the hospital. He didn't survive the burns or the smoke in his lungs, but in his delusional state, had asked Peeta to join the force; just as he did.

Being Peeta, he did just that, and now I'm reminded why.

"Peeta, this says June 10th, that's only five days after graduation!" I cry.

"I know, and I plan to spend every second I have with you. I just need to do this, okay? I need to. I promise you, Katniss, that when I get back, we will get married okay? And we'll have an amazing life."

"What if you never come back?"

"I promise you, I'll always try."

"Peeta please, please stay with me?" I beg of him.

All he says is "I'm sorry." And I know that that's it; there is nothing I can do; Peeta, my best friend, my love, will become a soldier, and the moment he leaves, he will be in constant danger.

A/N: Hi guys! New story! This is actually really exciting, because this is my first shot at a fan fiction in a different world of the sorts. I've never done a more modern Everlark story.

So I hope you enjoyed; chapter two will be out shortly!!

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