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We got home a few hours later. Within that time we filled our bellies with a hearty breakfast and took a nap. Now, we're laying in my bed together, and I'm burrowed deep into his arms; my cheek pressed against his chest.

"You know, we really have to make the most out of this time we have. I want to make it special for you." He breathes into my ear. Just the deep vibration of his voice sends shivers down my spine; the good kind.

"Well, what to do you wanna do?" I ask him, sitting up and crossing my legs.

He thinks for a minute. "I think...we should paint together." He says and smiles at my cringe.

"Peeta..." I trail off. "You know I have the artistic abilities of a toddler." And, next to his flawless masterpieces, I stand by that statement whole heartedly.

He rolls his eyes. "Shut up, Katniss." He says with a hint of sass in his tone that makes me raise my eyebrows.

"Shut up? Please. You're the loudmouth."

"I am not."

"You are too."




"Ye-" I utter out but am suddenly attacked by a series of kisses. Being the tease I am, I softly nibble on his bottom lip.

Sometimes, and while this doesn't happen often it does happen, we almost loose control. This was one of those times.

The kiss intensified. My fingers tangled in his hair and his strong hands had me in a death grip against his chest. The kiss left me breathless, but that didn't matter as I kept going back for more. When I came up for air, Peeta moved to my neck and collarbone area. Slowly, and oh so teasingly, he trailed kisses starting from my neck all the way down to my clavicle. I bit back a moan and balled the fabric of his shirt into my fists. As we moved back into another kiss, I started to take my thin pajama shirt off, but I think this made him snap out of his fit of lust, for he stopped kissing me back and took my hands in his, rolling my shirt down.

I frowned.

"Not yet, baby."

Usually I let it go, but this time I got mad. "Why not?"

He sighs. "I want that night to be the most special night of your entire life. Right now we're feeling so many emotions, and I just want to know you don't regret it when we actually do....do it."

My face softens at his sweetness. "Peeta, whenever we may do it, married or not, I won't regret it. Ever. I just thought that this was what you wanted. You're leaving soon and I want to do something special for you before you go." I say, kind of embarrassed at being shot down.

He tilts my chin up. "I just want to spend every last second with you. Even if we never go that far in our relationship, I still like you just for you. You're my sweet, dorky Katniss. You're not just a hot body or my sex item. You're you. And I love you for you."

I sigh and he hugs me, making me smile. I can't believe he's mine.

After a few minutes of silence, I look up at him. "So...I'm dorky?"

He laughs. "That's the only thing you picked up from that?"

"I got all of it. But hey if I'm a dork then so are you."

He scoffs. "Yeah right. I'm super cool."

I roll my eyes. "High school is over pretty boy, cool doesn't matter anymore."

"Yeah yeah. So...shall we paint now?" He asks with his baby blue puppy dog eyes.

I sigh and shrug. "Fine. I'll only paint with you if you help me."

"Deal." He says.


Hi guys!! Next chapter should be longer. I need to go to sleep; I get to see TØP in concert tomorrow and I'm so excited. Leave ideas in the comments if you want! Thanks for reading!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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