Learn to let go

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by: My Success Principles (Heather Solomon)

Learning to let go of the unimportant things in life can help free up your mental energy to focus on the more important things. 

There are people who worry and stress about the smallest things, things that won't even matter to them a week later.

I'm asking you today to stop allowing negative people, disappointments and inconveniences to steal your joy. 

When frustrations occur we need to ask ourselves whether or not what you're getting worked up over will even matter a week or month from now. This can often serve as a reminder to not waste our time on petty things.

We have to remember when encountering negative people they have every right to their opinion and we have every right not to care and/or let it offend us.

When you spend less time on things that don't matter, you'll have more time and energy to spend pursuing your dreams.

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