Chapter 3: 5 Days Earlier

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Chapter 3: 5 Days Earlier


"Oh motherfu-"

"Ssshhh." I pressed my hand against Blake Ridley's mouth to stop him from shouting. We were in the library, that's why.

I felt Mrs. Calhoun's, the librarian, death glare from behind my head. I turned around and sure enough, she was there. A few paces away from our table. I smiled apologetically and mouthed 'Sorry'.

"Can you keep it down there, yeah?" I whispered to Blake, who was clutching an autobiography of Howard Hughes or something.

"Sorry, I"

I kept my expression poker-faced but deep inside, yeah I couldn't believe it too.

"Who would have thought?" Blake whispered, albeit the incredulous look on his face.

"Yeah. Man, I owe Colin a lot of money." I muttered after recalling the bet I made with another close friend, Colin Braun."

Hey, it's not my fault. Sebastian Sheridan was...well, Sebastian Sheridan. He's never really been that close to girls all his life. I mean sure, he'd liked some but not to the point of sleeping with them. This disclosed side of Sebastian is new and really surprising.

"Who?" Blake asked.


"Who was the girl that Sebastian, who happened to have a lot of time, banged last night?" Blake looked amused and I honestly have no clue why.

"Uh, this girl..." I couldn't really recall her name, though I was trying very hard.

"Well, of course it's a girl, Kendrick. Seb's not gay." He deadpanned.

I raised my eyebrows as if to say Really?

"But I need a name." Blake said while flipping the pages of his book.

"I know. I just couldn't really..." I shook my memory for some help, but to no luck.

"Do you recall her face?"

"Sebastian didn't send me a picture of her."

"Just the name?"

"Just the name." I nodded.

Blake was silent and so was I. Mostly because I was trying so hard to remember. It just sucks because I don't have a photographic memory and I naturally am very forgetful. Although I get fragments, sometimes. And I use them to trigger a sensitive side in the core of my memory.

Lucy? Lucia? What the hell was her name?

"Lucille." I said, mainly to myself. "Lucille McLean." I wasn't sure if that was it but somehow, it's the closest thing I got.


"I think it was Lucille McLean." I shrugged. "Do you know her?"

"Shit." Blake shouted and it actually took me by surprise. I gave him a What the fucking hell, man? look but it didn't fazed him at all.

Mrs. Calhoun was in fact, fazed by it and we ended up getting our asses kicked out of the library.

"Sorry." Blake told me after we settled ourselves in the unbelievably noisy study hall. I mean god, this is a place where students study, not a fraternity house.

"Don't worry about it." I recalled his reaction to my question earlier so I decided to bring up the topic. "So you do know who this Lucille McLean is."

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