Chapter 4: A Day Earlier

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Chapter 4: A Day Earlier


I have had enough of this.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" I hate raising my voice but God, I can't really stop myself, "I'm not going."

Lucille groaned like there's no tomorrow, it was actually painful to hear. "It's just a field trip, Lore. Why can't you go?"

"I don't want to?" Obviously.

"Besides that."

"Do I really have to enumerate the reasons as to why I refuse to spend the following days being stuck with people whom I don't really know?"

"And by people you mean your schoolmates, right?"

I rolled my eyes at her statement. Yeah, sure- I go to the same school with them but I don't really like to interact with them. I just don't see the purpose of entertaining these faces when they couldn't even care less about you. "You know what Luce?" I said, "You can stay here and lecture me for as long as you want but I'm still not going."

Lucille glared at me deeply and I hate it when this happens. "You still owe me."

As a reply, I arched an eyebrow.

"What? You thought I forgot?" She put both her hands on either side of her hips and rolled her eyes with so much annoyance that I'm sure that I won't be taking this lightly in the morning.

Again, not understanding her, I kept my eyebrow arched.

"That time when you actually hurt my feelings when I told you about how awkward things had gotten because Sebastian and I did it?" She reminded me in a nearly monotonous voice. I was surprised that she pulled that off, it looked like she was ready to pranced on me and rip my throat out.

Yes. I do recall that. "Oh." I said while nodding "Didn't I apologize to you immediately after I allegedly injured your feelings?"

"You did." she smiled widely, this quick change of mood had never failed to throw me off. "In fact, I forgave you. Because I'm a good friend."

"Then, why do I owe you?" I raised my hands mid-air.

"You owe me because you hurt my feelings!" Lucille exclaimed. God, her voice was so shrill, I think it might have pierced my goddamn eardrums.

"What?" I try very hard to keep my composure because I hate losing my nuts in front of other people, yep- even in front of Lucille.

Lucille took a deep breath and made herself loud and clear. "I want to you go with me on this field trip-"

"How ma-"

"You're not suppose to say anything while I'm speaking."

I nodded apologetically and made a hand gesture that I'm sure she'll perceive as Proceed.

"I want you to go with me on this field trip," she looked at me square in the eyes and then she smiled brightly, "Because I will take that as your repayment for hurting my feelings."

Instead of feeling annoyed and bemused, like I initially had in mind, I bursted out laughing.

"What?" I said in between laughs "That'" I couldn't even finish my sentence because of the amount of laughter that was pouring from mouth. How childish and immature is that request? Was that even a request?

"Was I saying as a joke?" Lucille stood, cross-armed. "Knock, knock. Who's there?" her voice was starting to raise. "Huh, Lore? Was that funny?"

I cleared my throat, even though I still had the urge to laugh my brains out. "No ma'am."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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