Page I - Chapter I

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Page I

Oct 18,2015


Well this is my first time I would write a diary. My name is probably the least thing you would care about right now. I'll just say it as Hannah. I was born on September 4,2002, well that's what I think it is. I'm an orphan, I've never met my mom nor my dad. They just disappeared into thick polluted air. Hmm, I don't know what to write in a diary. Lemme think, how about this :)

~ A LEGEND ( Dunno what to name this ) ~

In the old times a bloodline was passed through, it had an ability to predict the future. In the 1700's chosen people could accurately guess the events that are going to happen in a couple of days. Humans have evolved after those years, people with this ability became fewer and fewer until there's only one left. According to some natives the person had an offspring, but the child is nowhere to be found.

Welp, that's the end. I'm really interested in finding this dude/dudette, but we'll never know where he/she is. Maybe that person is in the jungle or maybe the city or the desert! Ughh, well never mind that's the entry for today.

~ Hannah Amanda ~

Yay! I just wrote my very first diary entry. That's not really an achievement, but I still did it! It's nine o'clock in the evening and I need to sleep, but my thoughts are disturbing me. Pretty much my brain is so hyper ( after eating a lot of marshmallows dipped in chocolate topped off with multicolored sprinkles ;D ) *KNOCK* * KNOCK* "Hannah, breakfast is ready. Wake up or else you'll be late for school" Nana said behind the door. "Ugh, why do kids have to go to school. It's not like you'll die or something if you don't attend classes" I murmur. My alarm goes off, it flashes 6:00 AM. As I headed to the bathroom I felt a little dizzy. After the bath I felt like something reoccurred in my dream:

                       I was walking through the hallway to my room, suddenly I heard something. Whispers. I can't make out what the thing behind me was saying, but what I can mostly hear is "Amelyn" along with a bunch of words. I caught a glimpse of the thing, it was a shadow like figure.  

I completely froze. Not knowing what to do is the worst feeling ever. After a few seconds (which felt like hours by the way) it finally went back to its ugly place in the back of my mind. After changing clothes I quickly went downstairs to eat. I mean who would want to see a creepy thing behind you (nah me). "Morning Honey!"  mom says as she pours down syrup all over my pancakes. "Mom, can you tell Nana to take care of my cat?" "Yeah sure." I know that my mom HATES cats, like hating cats is her specialty. Ingrid is a different type of cat you know. 

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