The second testing time!!!

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" ... Team 7" Iruka finished. WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get to join my fav. team!!! Fuck, duck-ass and shit-head are also in my team. But YAY, KAKASHI-SENSI AND NARUTO ARE ON MY TEAM!!!! Still, the gay emo's on my team. Yay! I get to see all the wonderful actoin of Naruto!. Shit, I'll probably die. Oh Well! And yes, I am a crazy fangirl! Emphasis the crazy part. "Sensi! That makes 4 people." Shit forehead broke in. "NO duh, dumbass." I muttered. "That's beacause we now have an extra student." he replaied. I yawned and zoned out.





I awoke to NAruto sloshing a bucket of water, I hope it was water, on my face.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!?!?" I screamed at him.

"Whew,I thought you were dead!" He said honestly.

"Dead? Really?" I asked him. "I didn;t say anything! Well, yet..." he said.

I tilted my head in confusoin but decied to let it go. "What did I miss?" I asked Saskue.

"Hnh.' he replied. "I'm hoping that meant that I haven't been asleep to long." I askedd him. "Yes."..... Wow, that's his vocabulary? I thought he was smart! I sat there, adn waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, until I screamed in annoyance. Everyone else looked at me worriedly. I sighed adn laid down. Then I waited some more while Naruto paced, making me dizzy. "Naruto, please stop pacing, it's making me dizzy," I whined, but he was too busy setting up an eraser trap for poor, bitching,Kakashi. "That's never going to work! He's a jonin." Sakura reprmained Naruto. Jonin indeed, i thought. Just then, kakashi came , only to get hit by an eraser. "sigh..." I shook my head at him. If, youre reading this, then you must know the story, right? So you should know that he said he hated us and we all went to the rooftop.


"Tell us about yourself." at this part, he serouislly sounded like a overseerer at a mental institutoin or someplace for addicts. I giglged. "Like what?" Naruto asked. "Like you dreams, hobbies, dislikes, likes, name." he was defaintly bored. "Show us." sakura asked, no begged. "Ya!" Naruto agreed. "Well my name is-" he began to no avil. "Kakashi Hatate. I'm the type of person who really doesn't like talking about myself. Dreams for the future are none of your buiness and I have a lot of hobbies." I snickered as I butt in. Every stared at me. "What?" I asked back as if I had not just appeared psyhcic.  "Umm... correct about me, but I'm pretty sure you're not me." he made a fool of me. My left eye twitched. I restrained myself from punching him. "Well then, let's let the idoit introduce herself." he continued. "I'm HIra Mizuko. I like ramen, sports, books, music, fighting, my computer and Wattpad. I STRONGLY dislike Kakashi, ducks, shit-heads-" I gave thethree of them a glare before continuing. "-theives, drunkan people, perverts-" glaring at NAruto and KAkashi this time."-work, phisical labor, bordem, Chuck-E-chee-" getting weird stare."-shopping, at least most of the time, stalkers, pedos and many other things including Ochimaru." That got a stare from Kakashi. "My dream is probably to end the damn wars and fighting and just have everyone at peace." THat got another stare from Kakashi, like the one he's supposed to to give NAruto, but more shocked, almost scared. funny... "Anyways, my hobbies are drawing, swimming writing and kicking ass." Well, you know how the rest goes, except for kakashi, he's not paying any attention to anyone. 

Finally, it's done! Hallauah! "Don't eat breakfast. You'll throw up. Only a few of you will pass." he mumbled as he walked away lost in thought. "Weirdo." I said once he was gone. Now, what to eat for breakfast?

"TIme for Dango, Dango, Dango!" I skipped along. And yes, I can have damn Dango for breakfast if I want to. After I ate, I searched for a book and took my own sweet time going there, if he was gonna be late I might as well too. Suddenly, my manga changed! I leafed through the Naruto book. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE's not late?!?! I ran like fuck to get there. 

"Huh?" Naruto asked. Suddenly he screamed like a little girl and ducked. Why? Because I had just ran through trees and rocks, not even doging, just plowing throuh.  "Good, I'm not late." I panted. "Actully, you are. Now let's get started. Unforcantley, I already explained the rules." he looked away. " Begin." he suddenly vanished. "That bitch!" I growled. "Hnn." Saskue turned away. I shook my head and hid myself to wait for NAruto to finish. 

Eventully, he did. And so did saskue and sakura. Well, we have to be a team, right? WEll, sakura's kinda knocked out. That means I can at least try the two boys.I foud NAruto first hanging around "HEy NAruto." I said as I cut throgh his strings."Can we work together?" I asked. "Sorry Hira, not today." with that, he raced away. baka...

Next up, duck-ass. I found him in the ground. " I'll let you go if we work together." I cut him short before he could say anything. "No." he stated simply "Oh well." I walked away. "HEY!" HE screamed. " HElp me out!" he yelled. "No." I turned around and gave him a fake smile. "BYe!" With that, I raced away to Kakashi.

I finally found him. " Shadow clone jutsu." I whispered. Then, I sent a clone. "Hey kakashi, how's the bells?" it asked. He looked stunned. Ohh, yeah, he hasn't explained them to me. Ohh well. " It's obvouis, why else would you have those bells. They're so damn noisy." Yay me! I'm so smart. Good clonie.

"Hurry up." one of my clones whispered to me. "OHh yeah." I suddenly remembered my plan. The visible clone began fighting while my othre clones began running. "Shadow mist." I whispered. suddenly, the clearing went back to normal. No clones in sight. Then, they came back. I grinned and jumped down lightly. "Pillow mist." I whispered. I learn fast, so I had learned and trained with all my free. time. 

I snuck up to the fighting kakashi. My clone had long been defeated. I snatched the bells and hid again. "KAi!" I yelled from a tree-top." I grinned as white smoke filled the clearing and dissapated to reveal a stunned kakshi."I pass!" I yelled."H-how?" he stammpered.

NExt thing you knew. I ran away and handed out bells to everyone consouis. Well ,you can't give it to someone asleep. KAkashi finally found me after I used my transportation jutsu several times. "How did-" he bagan " GEngitsu." I replied. "and I know we were suppoed to work as a team. I said as   Iwalked over and untied NAruto and handed all of them food. "What about you?" NAruto asked worridly. Aww, that's so sweet! "  Iate dango for breakfast. "But didn't Kakashi sensi tell you not to?"

 Sakura asked. "Shut up and eat" I said sitting on a pole.  "It's teamwork." I told kakashi as I read Naruto on my i-pod. "Huh? Y-yes." he stuterred. "Well, pass." he finished before poofing away. "YES!!!" I finally stopped being serouis and jumped up anad down. I passed! I danced around. Hey, I serouisly thought I would fail. I had all rights sto be happy!

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