I think I'll skip this battle... oh well!

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Then, the mist creeped in.

"Ah, I'm in deep shit, amn't I?" I muttered.

 "Yes you are." someone said from behind me. I didn't bother to register who it was.

"I would try breaking the sword, but it can friking heal itslef..." I muttered to myself annoyed.

"Eight choices..." I hecard him rasp out of the mist.

"Liver, lungs, spine, clevical vein, throat, brain, kidneys and the heart. Vital points in which to kill us, am I correct?" I saked.

"... heh, smart girl. Very smart..." he muttered. I twisted around and threw a kuinia at the place where he would appear in a  few seconds.

Even he could'nt defy gravity, he got hit breifly on the arm. 

"Not bad girly." he smiled evilly.

"Pedo. I know all your moves and how your gonna die. Same for Haku." I muttered jumping backwards as he attacked me.

 My words had a half-hoped effect. He didn't freeze up like I had hoped he would, but he did stop attacking for a moment. 

"You seem to know almost everything..." he cocked his head sideways. "Hmmm, you could be annoying to let live..." he smiled again.

"Uh? Help?" I asked, and kakashi's clone came. I didn't worry about him since I knew how it would work out. But, I couldn't help but worry. He was my favorite character after all!

Then, the idoit was in the water. "WATCH OUT!!!" I yelled.

Too late. He had got stuck in the prison. 

Zabuza then turned towards me. "You could be useful." was all he said before I had to jump back form a sword attack from his clone. 

"Hey, Naruto got  plan?" I yeled.

"Huh? umm, yeah?" he said.

"WELL EFFING DO IT!!! I"M GONNA DIE!!!" I yelled ike crazy.

"Huh? Um, but.." he muttered. Then I remembered that the clone was part of it.

"Fine, I'll try to kill it..." I mutterred and made clones in a tree.

"Shadow mist jutsu-" I whispered under my breath so lightly that even he couldn't hear.

"Of course, I wasn't the one fighting. One of my many clones was fighting. Another one of my clones attempted to kill him, and it worked!

"YES!!!!" I yelled in my head, of coures it looked like I was still struggling to even Zabuza. My gengitsu also messed up the senses.

"Hurry up Hira!" Naruto yelled. So, I broke away and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Done already." I said simply.

"Huh? But-" he looked back between the two images of me.

"Oh, about that, sorry!" I said and realesed it. 

"Huh? Um... okay then." he said obviously confused.

"Gengitsu." I explained.

"OHHHHHH!!!" he said.

"Not bad, not bad at all." Zabuza's se ond clone said.

"I just killed one!" I moaned. "Fine, Sic him Naruto!" I yelled.

"O-okay..." he said. And the plan comenced.

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