Chapter Twenty Six

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An hour later, the party was still raging but Oswell, Av. Caellum and I were heading to the Garage, bags in hand. We grabbed a red car, packed our bags into the back along with the Stuff bag in that car and piled into the car. Av and Caellum were in the back, while I was in passenger and Oswell was driving. We were all still in what we were wearing at the crowning. We drove out of the Garage and headed off onto the road. We were all still in the crowning, energized and excited. I turned on the radio and "How Deep Is Your Love" by Calvin Harris ft. Disciples was on. Av and I started singing along to it, while Oswell and Caellum chuckled and smiled at us.

"Let's listen to something better," Av requested once the song was over.

"Like what?" I asked and she grabbed out a cord that let her connect her phone to the car. A song started playing with a rockfish beat and I had to say, I liked it. "What's this called?" I inquired.

"Monster" by Skillet," she answered, smiling. I really liked the song, so I made a mental note to check out the band and download the song. Av kept playing songs off her phone and I really liked most of them. "I Knew You Were Trouble" by We Came As Romans, a rockfish version of Taylor Swift's song, was playing when we entered Melbourne.

"Oh my god," I gasped, looking out the window. There were lots of lights on and I could see the whole city. It was beautiful.

"You got that right," Oswell agreed. We made our way to the hotel we would stay in for the first night, the one night we wouldn't do any killing. It was too risky, too populated. Av checked us in and we made our way up to our two rooms, me with my hat on.

"What kind of rooms did you order?" Caellum asked.

"One with two single, and one queen," Oswell answered and Av smiled at me.

"Well, we'd best be off to bed," Av announced, grabbed Caellum's hand and dragged him to the other rooms. I looked up at Oswell, smiled at him, then walked over to our room. I was nice, almost as good as that fancy one were at in Bondi. I put my bag down, kicked over my shoes and laid down on the bed, my face submerged in the pillows. I heard Oswell put his bag down too, then the bed dipped and I felt him kissing my bare shoulder, making me giggle.

"Calm down," I told him, turning over so I was facing him.

"It's hard to when you're in this dress," he mumbled, before kissing me. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me against him, as my hands roamed his upper body. "How far can I go?" he questioned.

"Underwear," I stated and he nodded before kissing me again, his hands sliding the dress down.

It was pouring outside, as a woman led me by the hand through streets.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice sounding small.

"Don't worry, I'll explain soon," the woman assured me, stopping at a cross road. She looked around, pulled the hood of her massive coat further over her head and led me to the right. I was starting to get cold and my stomach was growling.

"I'm hungry," I complained.

"You'll eat soon," she promised me, still going. She must have seen where she wanted to end up, because she quickened her pace and mine. Soon, we were on a doorstep, under a light.

"Mummy, I'm scared," I confessed, and she ran her hand down the side of my face.

"Everything's going to be fine Maisie. I just have to leave you here for a bit, that's all," she soothed.

"Why?" I questioned.

"I can't look after you right now. There's things you don't understand going on, and I need you safe. I know you'll be safe here," she replied. She leaned forward and kissed my forehead, before looking me in the eye.

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