Chapter Twenty Three

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Two hours later, all the painting was done, it was dry and we were exhausted, but it looked really good.

"Should we do the furniture?" I asked.

"Sure," Oswell agreed, smiling. I grabbed the outside chairs and bedside tables while he took the outside table and mirror. We unpacked them and I put everything there I wanted it. My room was now complete and I loved it.

"This is actually really cool," Oswell praised.

"Do you want to be rebels?" I questioned, smiling at him.

"Aren't you already one?" he countered, smiling as well, but making no move from letting me continue.

"Let's move in together anyway. Av can have your room," I suggested and his eyes lit up.

"Now that, I like the sound of," he agreed and I giggled.

"Go grab your stuff," I instructed and he rushed out, making me roll my eyes. I do that a lot. I walked out too and went downstairs, finding Av and Caellum in the kitchen. "Hey Av, can I talk to you?" I requested and she nodded, smiling at Caellum as she walked towards me.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Oswell is going to move into my room, giving you your own room," I revealed and she smiled, clapping.

"Oh you are amazing," she beamed. "Not that I didn't like sharing a room with you," she added quickly and I smiled.

"It's cool. I understand," I shrugged. "Though you might want to come and grab your stuff," I suggested and she nodded, rushing up to my room. It was back to that, my room. I waved at Caellum and he waved back as I head back upstairs. Av was standing in the door, admiring the new look, making me smile.

"Like it?" I joked and she twisted around to look at me.

"This is awesome," she congratulated.

"Thank you," I replied. She grabbed her stuff and walked out of the room. I walked in and sat on the bed, then lay down.

"Tired?" Oswell questioned and I looked over to see him coming in, his bags in hand.

"A bit," I answered, sitting up. "Hey, if people can move around freely so much, how does anyone know which room they're in?" I added.

"They either ask or find out by going to the room they used to be in and finding out who they swapped with," he shrugged, putting his stuff down on the floor. I jumped up and we started putting out stuff in the wardrobe. Our shoes went at the bottom, mine taking up the most space. By now, it was eleven and I was getting hungry.

"I'm going to have lunch," I declared, as I walked out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen. In the kitchen, I grabbed out some bread and looked in the fridge for fillings. There was a piece of steak, so I grabbed it out, not caring who's it actually was. I cut into it, making sure it was to my liking, before slapping it between slices of bread. Taking a big bite into it, I leant against the bench, relaxing. Getting a feeling this was probably Rikard's, I kept taking big bites in an effort to finish it quickly. Once I was done, I washed and dried my plate, heading out. But I was almost out of kitchen, when I bumped into Rikard.

"Malise," he greeted, heading towards the fridge. I quickly walked towards the stairs, but ran towards the front door when I heard the fridge door slam shut and running steps. I flung open the front door and ran out, not caring about direction. I turned around lots of corners, just in case he was chasing me, until I looked back and couldn't see him. I either lost him, or he was still at home, fuming. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, then cursed when I realized I didn't have my wig, hat or hoodie with me. Just my red off the shoulder shirt and skinny jeans, which I was lucky hadn't ripped when I'd been running. I walked through the streets, trying to figure out where I was, while trying not to be spotted. Suddenly, a siren started up nearby, so I looked around. There was a police car not far behind. Well, crap. I started running again, trying to lose them. But then more cars joined the chase and I got a little worried. I saw a hedge coming up, so I ran through it and over fences. Seeing the park coming up, I ran towards it and entered, trying to find somewhere I could hide. But I came to an open space, that the police that surrounded.

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