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Learning that your an angel can take you breathe away, learn in this by getting your wings for the first time can make you faint, but having this all happen at once and being only 5, well I can't even go that far.

Yet, this all happened exactly 15 minutes and 36 seconds ago and I still feel woozy.

My Gran gave them to me, and she's been telling me over and over that I'm an angel.

I was surprised with the whole wing thing, angels are so much different than people think.

Apparently your wings are based on your personality. Mine are bright red and orange butterfly wings that look like they are on fire, bold and electrifying.

"Now go and jump off the hill, try them out," Gran said. I stare down the steep hill.

"But what if I fall?" I stated in a wavering voice. Gran replied,"Oh but darling, what if you fly!"
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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