Chap 5 : Reminiscences

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Hyosung couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning on her bed for almost an hour pulled the final straw on Zinger, who was sharing the bed with her that night. Watching Ju-On at twelve midnight is Zinger's idea of fun, and it backfired. Guess who's the scaredy cat?

"Aish onnie! Stop it, jepal~ You're ruining my dream of So Ji-Sub oppa!" Zinger snapped, propping on her elbow as she nudged Hyosung. "He almost kiss me you know ..." she pouted, clearly irritated at Hyosung.

"Mianhe. I can't sleep, really." Propping on her elbow facing Zinger, she suddenly realized that this was her bed. Grabbing a pillow, she playfully hit Zinger in the face. "Ya, this is my bed. Stop complaining, I can do as I please. Arasso?" Playfully messing Zinger's bangs, she turned to the other side and tried counting sheep in her head. It could probably help, right? "Aih, neomu chuwo! (it's cold). Let's sleep, all right?"

"Onnie... Sorry for asking thought. But ... you're still thinking about him, right?" Propping on her elbow again, Zinger nudged Hyosung. She laid quietly, taking her time to find the answer to it. Am I?

"I don't know why I couldn't erase him from my memory, Ha Na. I tried, really I did. You know I did. But he'll keep appearing back in my mind ... and it hurts whenever it happens." She sighed, stopping before turning to face Zinger's concerned face. "Why can't he leave me alone ...? Why ...?" Tears were threatening to well up in her eyes as memories started to flood in, and she tried really hard to fight it back. Andwae, Hyosung! You promised them you'll stop crying! Stop it! With unstable breath, she blinked her tears away and smiled as she look at Zinger.

"Aih, nevermind. We're done with this topic long time ago, aren't we? Why do I always bring it up? Jinja! Stop it, Hyosung-shi! Ya, go to sleep okay? I'm going out." Letting out a shaky laugh, she got out from her bed and reached for her thick coat. "Onnie! Where are you going ...?" Zinger sat up straight on the bed, a shock expression on her face while pointing to the clock. "It's already past midnight! ONNIE!"

Grabbing her pink muffler, Hyosung got out from the room and dorm as fast as she could before Zinger could stop her. She needed some air to breathe, to think ... to clear her head. She found herself walking towards the park, to her own private sanctuary. Clutching to the muffler, she pulled it up to her nose and took a deep breath. His scent still lingers on this even after that long, she sighed and smiled. A present from Kikwang for her birthday, it was something she really treasured since he knitted it himself. It's not knitted perfectly, she had to admit, looking at the messy outcome of it but she still did love it. Especially the not-so-cat-like cat picture on it, which he constantly reminded her that she was one.

Yoseob once told her how he knitted it continuously despite their busy schedules, rushing to finish it, pricking his fingers countless of times just to finish it in time. She smiled at the thought. She would always bring it no matter where she went, safely kept in her bag, she'll hug it whenever she felt nervous and it would calm her senses down.

"Aish jinja! Stop it stop it stop it, Hyosung-ah! It's over, arrasso?" Shaking her head, she started to jog despite the falling snow that was threatening to freeze her up. Not a soul could be seen at the park, just a couple of cars parked nearby. Probably couples making out, she thought. She stopped under the lamp post and pulled her muffler down to take a deep breath after the short jog from her dorm, as she could feel her lungs screaming for air. Time to cut down on the junk foods, pabo ya! You're getting out of shape! She mentally reminded herself to throw away the fast food in the fridge.

A sudden sharp prick caused her to stop in her track and she clutched her chest. Oh god, that hurts! Clenching her teeth, she clumsily reached for the nearest thing that she could lean on to before falling to her knees as it becomes unbearably painful. The pain escalated suddenly which caused her to double over and her breath started to become uneven, her vision got blurry. Panicked, she scanned the area and tried to scream for help but all that came was just a croak. Breathing heavily now, she tried to stand up but failed as she could feel dizziness was starting to take over.

Help! She mentally screamed, as that was all she could do before she fell down onto the cold floor.

And her world turned black.

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