Chap 6 : The encounter

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He could hear his heart beat erratically when she stared at him, with only the tinted window that separated them. He realized that he stopped breathing when he gasped for air the very next second. She didn't see me, right? Shrinking into his seat, he watched as she started to walk away when suddenly she stopped mid-track. Watching her with full curiosity, he saw her wobbling before falling on her knees right after.

Through the car window, he watched in horror as she fell entirely to the ground.


He felt like his heart'll pop any seconds from the fear as he quickly scrambled out of the car to rush to Hyosung's side, who was now lying on the pavement. He cradled her small frail body in his arm and gave it a gentle shook, in hoping that it'll wake her up. "Hyosung-ah, irreona (wake up). Irreona jebal. Hyosung-ah! Don't scare me!" Seeing that his action was useless, he picked her up lightly and brought her to his car. Placing her gently at the passenger seat, he brushed his knuckles on her face before rushing to the driver's side and drove off.

Pressing the numbers on the phone, he waited for the other line to pick up as he drove to the hospital. Ppalli pick up, jebal! Glancing at Hyosung's motionless form via the rear view mirror, he pressed on the pedal harder as he zoomed across the street.

You're going to be all right, okay? I promise.

Joon arrived at the hospital as soon as he received a call from an unknown number informing him about Hyosung. He was about to go to sleep when he got the news, and instantly rushed down to hospital. God knows how shocked he was seeing Kikwang standing outside the doctor's room, resting his head against the wall with worried look pasted on his face.

He slowly made his way to him, multiple questions regarding everything playing in his head. What's he doing here? He thought as he eyed Kikwang, who was now aware of Joon's presence. As if reading his thoughts, Kikwang chose to ignore it and pulled him towards the waiting chair beside them. "Anja, hyung. The doctor is still checking up on her. We have to wait, ara?" Patting his shoulder, Kikwang urged him to sit down beside him. "Please ... don't ask me why I'm here." He said again, before Joon could open up his mouth and looked elsewhere.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, the doctor finally emerged. They both scrambled off to him, impatiently asking multiple questions regarding Hyosung's condition. "Gentlemen, please! Calm down!" The doctor raised his voice an octave higher to beat theirs, clearly annoyed, silencing the two at once. "She's fine. She's just suffering from extreme fatigue and all she needs is a rest. She has awakened already, so you may go and see her. And she can be discharged right after the nurse is done. Pardon me, I need to excuse myself now," and with that, the doctor left them.

"Kaja, let's see her," Joon said, still uneasy with Kikwang presence as he was worried how Hyosung might react seeing her ex-boyfriend here.

"Ani, you go ahead. I ... need to get back to the dorm now. Don't tell her I am here, ara?" With hesitation in his voice, he turned his back and started to walk away when Joon grabbed his shoulder.

"Ya! At least go and ..."

"Ani! Can't you hear me?! Now will you excuse me I have some where to head to. Nights," Kikwang exclaimed suddenly, pushing away Joon's hand. He then strode off leaving startled Joon behind before he could even reply.

What the heck? You can't even say hello to a sick old friend? Joon gritted his teeth and clenched his fists to contain his anger, he spun around and entered the room. Hyosung was lying on the patient bed with tube connecting to her left hand. She greeted him with a weak smile as she saw him approached her side, with the nurse busy taking god knows what measurement. Seeing her so weak like this made his thought reeling back to how she was when Kikwang left her and it angered him even more. Aish jinja! I can't believe that guy!

"Ya, don't you start on your lecture okay?" she said, playfully showing her fist at Joon as he entered.

"Pabo! This is the reason for all my naggings. Aish. So how are you feeling? Is the pain gone?" Joon sat down next to her, giving her a reassuring smile as he patted her hands.

"Molla, but ... I'm scared Joon-shi. There's this nagging feeling in me saying ... ah, never mind. I'm over-thinking about this." She let out a heavy sigh, and stared out at the snow outside the window. Joon eyed her warily, feeling that she had more to say. "Is something wrong?"

"Ani. Nothing... Oh ow! What's this?" She could feel a bandage on her left forehead as she tried to touch the painful sensation she felt. Aih, stylist noona won't be happy if she sees this. "Will this take any longer? Can I go home now?" Hyosung puffed tiredly, slightly remembering how she fell face first on the cold ground. And someone helped her. And that voice ... sounded so familiar.

"Hey, I'll send you home all right. The doctor did say you can leave. Kaja," Joon sighed as he stood up and waited for the nurse to finish her final check up on Hyosung. Joon placed his hand on shoulder to assist her, seeing how Hyosung was still wobbling when she got off the bed. Hyosung wanted to protest but seeing she herself isn't that stable to stand up on her own, she let him.

"Ah! Where is it?!" Hyosung exclaimed suddenly as they're about to enter Joon's car. My Gumwang! Hyosung mentally screamed, frozen to spot. Joon snapped his head back and bumped the car's roof. "Ah booya! You scare me! What is it?" Joon rubbed his head in pain, looking over at Hyosung who looked at him with fear.

"My Gum ... uh I mean, my muffler. It's pink in colour. Have you seen it?"

"Ah, I don't see it anywhere just now. Um, you stay in the car. I'll go and check it inside. Stay, ara?" Joon was already half way towards the entrance before Hyosung could stop him, leaving her standing beside the car. Her breath puffed out in clouds, and she looked up the dark sky as the snow fell softly around her. Even with the bittersweet memories she had with the snow, she still love it. A smile lit up her face when memories of them having snowball wars between the boys flooding in and she savoured the moment a while longer. Good old times, she sighed. Joon arrived shortly empty handed, obviously her Gumwang wasn't anywhere to be found, and so they drove off to their destination.

Without her noticing, a silhouette hidden behind the trees was watching her from a far with eyes full of sorrow. Holding on to the pink muffler, Kikwang hold it to his face and kiss it. Her scent lingered on it, sweetlike cinnamon, which put a smile on his face.

Neomu bogo shipoyo....

(I miss you so much ...)

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