(This Is) Gosple

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(This was meant as a joke, so if you're religious, I mean you no harm.

Year Zero

In the beginning, there was a Word-- and the Word was with Urie, and the Word was Urie.

Through Urie all things were created: there was nothing that was not created by Urie.

Urie saw that it was all good. And with that, Lord Urie ascended from his higher state to enter the Earth realm through an intergalactic portal known as Miss Jackson.

Year Twenty-Five A.U. (After Urie)

Seeing that the young World was in need of his guidance, the Great Lord Urie chose to spread his infinite bountiful wisdom across all dimensions of Earth.

Now the fields shall be abundant with great harvests, and tables shall be laden with fruit. The vineyards shall drip sweet champagne, and your cups shall overflowth with his magnificent juice.

From henceforth, in the name of the great Lord Urie, a glorious new world shall await all who bathe in the greatness of this book.

And it is to be known by every man, women, and child, that you may Panic! when reading this book.

(I am going to get so much hate from this...)

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