Cuddly Mass Murder Teddy Bear

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So you may remember a story I wrote then deleted called Shadows Go Both Ways. Samu, the main character killed his parents at age 5. His sister was taken away and he was forced to run. At age 10 a local gang buried him in an open grave suffocating him. At 11, he was thrown into Deadlands (hell) for lying about his past as a human. He met Reiken, future King, and became his loyal friend. After forcefully taking the crown, Samu sends Deadlands into a state of Chaos. 

Reiken, now going by Reken, wakes from his 3 year coma and shoots Samu in the face, blowing off the front right and destroying his vision and appearance forever. Samu, in fear of Reken, runs away, only to be brought back to God's Reign (heaven). Some of his troubled past is revealed as he is reunited with an old friend, but only to be led to more death in his life. Ross Kelly, one of the kids in his death gang, killed Samu's college and blamed it on Samu and his sister, Cassidy. The siblings are taken to Siberian Prison where Samu and Ross fight.Both boys escape, but only to Samu killing Ross. Reken, who was friends with Ross, and did not know of his previous crimes, shot Samu in the chest, killing him once more. 

Before Samu is shot in the chest, this is what I created: 

Not what you expected from the summary I gave you, huh? Yeah, me neither

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Not what you expected from the summary I gave you, huh? Yeah, me neither.  He looks more cute then he does dangerous. But fangirls, beware. He has a girlfriend:

That's Ashley, and she's pretty hardcore for liking Samu for what's on the inside *cough* mass murderer *cough*

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That's Ashley, and she's pretty hardcore for liking Samu for what's on the inside *cough* mass murderer *cough*

Mess with her and Samu will make you pay.

Anyways, no more spoilers of Shadows Go Both Ways. You need to read to find out.

~STay Frosty-monkie101

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