Chapter 31: Just peace

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Time skip to 4 months later and a little back view on what exactly happened after that.

Sarah's POV

I'm sitting on the porch swing softly rubbing this swollen stomach of mine. I'm 5 months pregnant. Well werewolf pregnancies last around 7 months but since I'm all hybrid and all, it'll take 6 months. I'm not surprised if I went into labor today. That's how huge I am. I like taking strolls in the woods of Austrailia and talking to the spirits that reside here. Recently, we've found murderers throwing their victims on our grounds so they get stuck here as spirits. Belle takes strolls with me sometimes and makes sure that I won't fall over. Because I can't hurt her godchildren. Yep, I'm having twins. You should see James, he's like hubby protective mode. We got offical married last month once we cleared out all the rest of the government's branch of supernatural testing. They wanted to use me to dominate certain parts of the world and force alliances. Even if they say I'm the only hybrid of my kind, there's still more out there. We need to find them and make a plan for all the others out there.

I sigh and lean on a nearby tree softly rubbing my stomach.

"I'm hoping to bring you two into a better world. Where you can run freely and not worry."

"Talking to them again?" I know that voice anywhere.

"Hey look, it's crazy ol uncle Robbie." I laugh. Robbie looked at me with a glare of amusement.

"Don't listen to her I'm going to be the best uncle in the world."

"Adrian might beat you to that."

"Maybe." We stayed in silence feeling the breeze passing by. Silence is amazing.

"Hey Robbie, if one of these babies is a boy, I'm naming him after Jerry."

"I'm sure Jerry would like that."


"Sar, do you really even see any ghosts or things like that anymore?"

"Not really. I have a theory that my necromancer energy is being passed on to my children. Making one of them a full necromancer. I hope they learn to embrace that power."

After that, Robbie and I continued to speak about different things. Just like we used to before all this crap started. Since the day I learned he wasn't the pizza guy. Jerry, if you're out there, thank you.

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