I'm not proud of where I am from, who my family is, what our history shows. I'm not going to flaunt what I have because I have nothing to show off. The honest truth is that, my family are dirty, lying, cheating con artists. They are all proud of what they have done. They have all scammed someone in some way for money. I just don't happen to fit in with them, with their crowd, with what they call their own society. It makes me sick. My father tries to tell me that I need to start my career. Now, when a father tells that to a daughter, you would think he means like a doctor or a dentist or something of the sort. But my father, he wants me to become a thief like the rest of my family. My father has been wanting to "take me out into the field" of pick pocketing so I can "experience what it's like" since my 18th birthday is coming up soon. Strangely enough, I just don't see the joy of becoming a criminal.
When I was in high school we read a well known book by no other, William Shakespeare. We read The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet and I started to relate it to my own life. My family has had... problems... with another family across town. So at times I feel like I'm Juliet Capulet without my Romeo Montague.
There have been multiple conflicts between my family, the Kosters, and the family across town, the Leaves.
The thing is, My family is full of criminals, where as the Leaves are a family full of Law Enforcers. So you would think that they would have thrown my family into the slammer by now but somehow my brothers, father, and everyone else has gotten away with everything. At this point, everyone in town knows my family is involved with a lot of crime. But they have never been able to pin anything on us. We've either been able to find some kind of loophole or we haven't technically committed an illegal crime.
I'm the youngest in my family.
My dad is age 44, named Daniel Koster, career Criminal Mastermind.
My mom is age 43, named Katherine Jenner Koster, career Smuggler.
My eldest brother is 26, named Steven Koster, career Counterfeiter.
My middle brother is 24, named Justin Koster, career Cat Burglar.
Then there is me, I'm 18, named Chloe Koster, and potential Bank Robber.
My father wants us to all progress to be higher in the criminal business but I can't seem to want to be like them and do what they do.
"Steven! Justin! Chloe!" I heard my mother yell. "Come upstairs and run some errands for momma!"
My brothers and I run up the stairs, pushing each other to be first, from the basement upon our mothers request. My brothers and I still live with out parents due to our family business. Our father doesn't want us to go to college and "ruin our image".
"Justin I need you to borrow some eggs and sugar from the grocery store," my mother says with a wink. My brother smirks and walks out the door to retrieve the items my mother asked for.
"Steven find your grandmother a nice birthday present as a gift from the family." she says shooing off my brother.
"Now Chloe, we're a little short on what we owe the McCallesters so I need you to go snatch a few tens or twenties from locals in the town square." She gives me a 'Don't get caught this time' look. I walk out the house with a sigh.
It's a beautiful day today, The sun is shining and there's not a single cloud in the sky. You can hear a few birds chirping here and there. It's mis spring so there are dandelions sprouting all over the green grass. I take my time as I walk down the sidewalk so I can admire all the beautiful flowers people have planted in their gardens. I see these small yellow houses that are filled with happy families who probably have normal lives and who are most likely not criminals. I sometimes wish I could just run away and start a life of my own. Unfortunately that can never happen dude to the fact my father knows everyone within a 50 mile radius of this city so I couldn't get very far without getting caught by one of his crummy buddies.
I near the busiest part of the city and take a deep breath. I walk behind this little old helpless lady and "accidentally" bump into her, giving me the opportunity to reach into her coat pocket.
"Oh! I'm so sorry ma'am!" I say tucking her wallet into my back pocket.
"Oh, well that's quite alright dear, no harm done!" she says with a grin.
Yeah, as far as you know... I think to myself. She turns and starts to walk away. A wave of guilt floods over me and I take off sprinting. Not away from her, as a matter of fact, but too her.
"Wait! Ma'am!" I scream. She turns around to looks at me. "You dropped your wallet!" I reach her and hand her the wallet.
"Thank you so much dear! Your honesty is the reason this world keeps spinning." She grins and takes her wallet. "And for a token of appreciation, take this." She takes out a twenty dollar bill and hands it to me. I gasp and refuse.
"Ma'am there is no way I can take this from you." I tell her shaking my head.
"Well what else am I going to do with it? Honey I'm 73 years old! Take the money! You're young, you have so much more use for it than I do." She says putting the money in my hand. She smiles again as she turns around and walks away. I turn to begin heading home when I see Justin across the street street giving me the meanest look he can. He shakes his head and takes off home.
Oh no... I think, He just saw what happened, he's going to tell mom.