Chapter 2: Tiger (Lydia)

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Chapter 2- Tiger

     The knife flew at my head. Moving like the wind, I spun and caught the handle. Tucking it into my belt I switched tactics. I fired my handgun in a quick succession. Bullet shells dropped to my feet as I advanced. Three steps from my target I switched again.

“Got ya.” I whispered as I held the knife against his throat. A bead of sweat trickled down his scar-worn face. From the intense movement or nervousness I couldn’t be sure.

“G-good job Tiger.” He stuttered to my amusement. Stepping away I covered my mouth as it stretched into a yawn. After all it isn’t lady-like to show the inside of your mouth.

“Well I’m going back to bed. You’ve improved.” I dismissed him with a nod, as I exited the private gym. Hearing a rush of air I stepped to the side and watched a knife stick into the cushioned wall. I called over my shoulder as I walked away, “Lesson number twenty seven: never act out in anger.”

     I may look and act like the typical 17 year old girl but trust me, I’m far from ‘normal’. My name is Lydia Crystal Bead (laugh if you want). Living in the big apple, otherwise known as New York City, I’m Manhattan girl through and through. Clothes, money, friends and guys; it’s all my life. Only unlike the rest of the blonde girls I live a secret second life that no other teenage girl could imagine.

     Top assassin and thief. Number 2 on C.S.I.’s most wanted list, in fact I could be number one but unlike that guy I have a life. How I have both lives you ask? I guess I’m just that skilled. Never getting caught is the trick plus everyone knows the assassin as Jack Wills.

Fools really, what assassin worth his gun would have his name reveled. They had to believe something though, so we faked a scene. Next thing I know some preppy girl at school is saying, “Oh my god! What if Jack Wills steals my dog?” I still can’t comprehend the fact that she said that.

     “Hey sis, are you up yet?” My twin brother yelled into my room. Having a twin can be fun but at other times you just want to kill them, like right now, so I guess like any other sibling. Jason knows my job is to kill people, so why he was disturbing me while I was trying to get some sleep, is fairly puzzling.

“Yes Jason!” I screamed at the fool as he entered my domain.

He looked at me offended, “No need to scream at me.”

“You’re such a baby.” I sighed.

“You are younger than me.”

“Why do you point that out all the time?”

“It’s all I have!”

“You,” I laughed, “Are such an idiot.” He just looked at me confused.

Yup, it’s safe to say that’s all he has. Well we are almost identical, so of course he has his great looks. I stood up, balanced on my toes, because he is half a foot taller then proceeded to pat the top of his head. It is also safe to say I get loopy when I don’t get enough sleep (a rare thing for me).

“Don’t worry your pretty little head now. We don’t want you to combust.” Jason narrowed his eyes in response to my words.

“Whatever. You need to get ready for school.”

“Oh fudge,” Freaking I glanced at my traitor of an alarm clock. “Out now!” Jason mumbled under his breath about bossy sisters and innocent clocks. I’ll deal with him later, by kicking his butt in martial arts.

In a rush a picked a cute outfit of blue and yellow. Two of my favourite colours. I grabbed last night’s homework and slipped my feet in a pair of flats.

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