An AU in which trolls are kept as desk pets similar to Hamsters. This is request based so leave a comment telling me which troll/trolls should be your mini pet(s) purely fluff
About one month ago you came home from summer camp to find your hamster missing from his cage. You asked your mother if she had seen him, and to your dismay she explained that while you were gone he passed away. She waited to tell you because she didn't want to ruin your time at camp. You understood, and you grieved over the loss of your beloved pet. He was a kind hamster, a brave soul.
Now, staring at an empty cage makes you feel a bit lonely in your room, and the absolute silence feels deafening. You are starting to think its time to go out and get a new hamster. You open your laptop and begin to search up the price of hamsters, so you can let your mom know of course. Something strange pops up under the results.
"Small rodents and Trolls for sale!" You click on the link, and it takes you to Harley's Pet Palace, a local shop a few blocks from here. You scroll through the listings of hamsters, gerbils and mice until you find a picture of a troll.
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You've never seen something like this. They look oddly humanoid, but obviously very small and have horns protruding from their heads. They even wear little clothes like the mice in Cinderella. Deciding to investigate further you click the picture and are brought to an entire page about troll care.
"Easy to Care for! Trolls are a small species of human-like animals who would make a great addition to your home. Commonly called 'Desk Pets' a troll is small enough to comfortably fit in a hamster cage. They are typically playful, energetic and talkative. You can train them to speak in any language, many are bilingual! Every troll has a personality of its own, come into the store to find the one that best suits your needs! Prices start at $10.99 for low bloods and $49.99 for high bloods."
The website also lists caring methods, food and clothing options. The more you read about the pet, the more you want one. They look so cute, and for some reason it seems like it would be fun to have a pet that will respond when you talk to it, instead of one sided conversations you could only hope they at least partly understood. Your mind is made up. You pick up your laptop and make your way down the brightly lit hall to your mothers room. Knocking gently on the door you hear a response allowing you to come in.
Before entering you put on your biggest smile and channel the puppy dog eyes in case of emergency.
"Hi mom, how are you?" Time to get the nicites out of the way, but she sees right through you.
"I'm doing well, what do you need honey? I've got a lot to do before trial next week, so can you make it quick?" Your mother isn't mean or cold to you by any means. She just happens to be overloaded at work this month. Which makes it a perfect opportunity to ask.
"I want to get a pet troll." She looks up from her work, with more than a hint of confusion. You open your laptop to the page and let her scroll and read up on the little animals. She sees the picture and you can tell she is sold.
"Okay, you can get one. Harley's is 4 blocks from here, can you handle walking?" You nod, you walk past it on the way to John's, you know where it is. "Good, alright I'm giving you a blank signed check, write down how much you owe here and here," she point to the places you write the amount on a check, as though you didn't know this already. "Don't spend more than 100 dollars, and remember to get the proper food before splurging on the little accessories." You hug her and thank her before running upstairs to get a coat and a pen for the check. You yell your good byes as you leave through the front door.
Not even 10 minutes later you arrive outside of the Harley's Pet Palace, the bell dings when you enter and you are greeted by your friend Jade.
"Oh hey (F/N)! What brings you in today?"
"I'm getting a new pet today, do you work here?" She laughs a little and replies.
"Kind of, my grandfather owns the shop so Jake and I often come in to help out. So uh, what kind of pet are you looking for? Were you getting another hamster?" She starts to walk to where the rodents are located before you pipe in.
"Actually, I saw that you were selling trolls? Could you show me those?" She stops in her tracks, and spins toward you.
"Are you sure? They are pretty cute but can be a bit hard to handle sometimes... It's literally like having a tiny person to take care of, they talk have emotions, personalities, likes and dislikes... I think you of all people could handle it, I just want to make sure you know what you are getting into." You nod, you did all the research, all of it. You feel prepared to take on your new mini friend. She give you a warm smile and leads you to the back of the small shop.
"We have all different blood types, the more rare ones are more expensive. Jade, Violet and Fuschia are the most expensive because there are less of them. However Red, Brown, and Yellow are relatively inexpensive. There are mid range prices as well, the Olive, Teal, Indigo and Cerulean are somewhere in the middle. The blood range had to do with life length. Red's are shorter, a year or two and Purples tend to be six or seven years..." She continues on about the hemospectrum, but you are distracted when you see them. A wall lined with glass containers of the young trolls. A few sleeping, ones running on her wheel, all wearing basic clothing. Some color on all of them, likely to show what color their blood is. Not all of the horns are large like the one pictured, some are smaller, some have non-symmetrical horns. But you can plainly state they are all absolutely adorable. They all go about their business while you watch them, aside from one. You meet the trolls eyes and smile. It waves to you, then Jade's voice brings you out of your transfixion.
"Do you see any you like?" You scan the wall, but your eye keeps going back to the one watching you. You think that maybe this one picked you.
"What about this one?" You point to your little friend behind the glass. Jade raises her eyebrows, seeming a bit shocked.
"Really? This one has been here a while, already talks, but we haven't been able to sell-"
"I want that one." Jade smiles at you.
"Alright. This one is free of charge. (F/N) meet your new troll."
A/N I hope you guys like the start of this new story. Unless stated otherwise this is how all of the chapters start. Leave requests for which troll you would want to take home in the requests chapter, and tell me what kind of silly situations you two would find yourselves in! Thanks for reading!