Elena: Four

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I glanced at my reflection, a frown of disapproval forming on my lips. Cole stood behind me with a beaming smile, "You look perfect! I'm not trying to hit on you, if you were wondering."

I rolled my eyes at the god in my room, as weird as it sounds.

A day has only passed since I learned of what Nyx has planned for me and Cole when approached me. After that my guard, Triton, has had this crazy idea in his head that Cole and I were having some pre-wedding "meetings". It was better that he thought this than what we were really planning.

Looking myself up and down, the light metal hardly weighed anything, and the white clothing that curved around my body tightly underneath the golden armor. I looked ridiculous.

"I look like I belong in a Renascence Fair." I blew a strand of brown hair away from my face. Kai was defiantly going to get a kick out of this.

Cole shrugged, "Yeah, that or you and the beloved prince could indulge in some roleplaying. I hear it's pretty popular." I turned around and punched his stomach, hard. He choked out a laugh, taking a couple of steps away from me, "Take a joke, Lena."

Brushing the hair away from my face, I stood straighter, "I don't appreciate you making jokes like that. Especially about Kai and I, okay?"

Cole rolled his green eyes as he went to retrieve the golden helmet that went with the outfit. I felt a little bad about hitting him. He was just trying to help me out, after all. But his sense of humor wasn't apart of the deal.

He came over to me, about to put the helmet over my head, but he hesitated, "Um, you might wanna put your hair up. The female guards always put their hair up."

Without a hairband, apparently. I bunched my thick hair up in a pile onto of my head, as Cole slipped the metal armor over m face. I turned around to him and raised my hands, a nervous smile made its way to my lips. What if someone finds out? What if Kai doesn't want to see me?

Cole nodded in approval, "Is it okay if I say one little thing?"

"Alright." I sighed, waiting for another inappropriate joke.

The man's face softened, "He's lucky to have someone like you."

Licking my lips, I gently shook my head. That wasn't what I was expecting at all, "Why do you say that?"

Cole shoved his hands into his jean pockets, his gaze drawn to the tile floor, "It's pretty much unheard of a mortal girl to go the distance you have for a god. The last mortal to go through all this trouble for one of us was Psyche."

I didn't know how much Cole knew about me, but he must know a lot. I took the helmet off of my head and set it down on the bed near by.

"Just make sure Kai knows how lucky he is, okay? Beat him senseless if you have to." Cole gave me a faint smile. He knew exactly what I've went through. Kai said he was the god of memory. Maybe our time together he's seen some of my memories.

Cole rolled his sleeves up, "Now that I've said the mushy encouragement stuff, let's get started." He started to walk towards me, and I took a few steps back, "What are you doing?" I cautiously asked, making sure there was a reasonable distance between Cole and myself.

He raised an eyebrow, his green eyes confused before the light bulb lit up in his head, "Oh! Right. Well, I'm gonna put my hands on your head-"

"You aren't going to go searching through my memories, right? I'm not really comfortable with that..." I crossed my arms over my chest, rubbing my hands up and down my arms as if I was cold.

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