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Death is brutal
In all shapes and forms
But death is beautiful
Much like a baby being born

Death brings life
The irony right?
It's sort of like a knife...
It's beautiful even at night

Up close it shows no mercy
The more you escape
The harder it is to see
Yet it is like tape

It's a sticky mess to get out
Yet it shows compassion more than the rest
I have no doubt
That death is a Souter of the best

To face it head on
You must have a brass set
But once they are gone
It's a hard bargain to be met

Death is a test
A test of faith and strength
Yet also a test of all the rest
Show death its length

That is all time is after all
I believe in life
But I believe in death like a new wall
It can be over come Like a wife

You see me now
You seen me then
Now you see me bow
As I meet my god once again

Note from author
That's normally what I think when I think of death. It's not only beautiful but it also is a sign of life. Like I said up there you do meet god again and some who believe in rebirthing they get to live again. I'm not much for beliefs but I believe it is another door to walk through just this one has a pad lock and you hold the key. Have you ever noticed how someone dies and there's a birth the exact second or later that day? I think that's really cool cause like say your husband or wife died and your child looked exactly like them. Basically they are born showing the love in your eyes. I know that sounds a bit crazy but its true. I think that although death takes, it also gives. Anyways I hope everyone is having a great day.

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