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They had just defeated the mire and saved Ashildr from death. The Doctor and Clara were in high spirits as they waited for the town to arrange the boat and rowers. The pair were huddled together in the boat house as rain poured down from the sky, a side effect of the spaceship disturbing the atmosphere apparently.

"You did it! you actually did it" Clara laughed

"I really did" The Doctor smiled.

Excitement and joy was bubbling up inside of him making him do something he would never normally do. He pulled Clara towards him cupping her face in both his hands before crashing his lips to hers in a hungry kiss. He had wanted to do this for so long but didn't dare try in fear of being rejected but the adrenaline and celebratory air around them made him drop his guard giving into his deepest desire. It was everything he had dreamt off and more his lips burned against hers, his nose was filled with the smell that was just Clara he couldn't even distinguish different scents they all just melded to together to create her own unique smell and it was by far his favourite in the universe.

He was so caught up in the feeling of her, his lips against hers it took him a while to realise she was kissing him back! And with just as much hunger as he was. His back hit of the wall as she pushed him towards it her tounge running over his lip trying to dominate the kiss, forever his little control freak and of course he could never say no to her and happily opened his mouth for her, her tounge instantly diving in to tangle with his own. If anyone else had been around at that moment he'd be embarrassed by the Desperate moan that escaped him as he finally got to taste his impossible girl, all tangy and bitter from the berries she had eaten earlier in the day.

The Doctor pulled away to start kissing along Clara's jaw to just under her ear before nipping her ear lope slightly making Clara moan this time.

"So much for not being a hugger" Clara teased breathlessly

"This is not a hug" The Doctor practically growled trailing his kisses back to her lips.

"Just so you know I don't plan on stopping at kissing" Clara quipped pulling the zip of his hoody down.

"Oh Clara my Clara you really shouldn't have said that" The Doctor smirked before suddenly lifting Clara up, making her let out a squeal of surprise and pinning her against the wall he had just been against attacking her neck with his lips biting and licking at the sensitive skin earning him a few moans from Clara as she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist.

He pulled the string of the vest she had borrowed from one of the villagers and tossed it to the side, his Jacket and hoody closely followed. He felt exposed and vulnerable without them and hulted his mission of undoing the buttons of Clara's shirt suddenly feeling unsure of himself.

"Hey, hey its ok. It's only me your safe" Clara soothed as she lifted his head up to look her in the eyes. Her huge brown eyes filled with lust, desire warmth and love, love for the idiot timelord to scared to be naked in front of a beautiful woman.

"I'm not bowtie boy anymore Clara and I'm most certainly not PE" The Doctor said resting his forehead against Claras.

"I don't care about that. I want you Doctor right here right now. This you not old you and not Danny. You" Clara reassured the Doctor firmly, balling the front of his t-shirt up in her hands.

The Doctor didn't respond he just moved Clara so she was laying down on a pile of hay in the corner of the room before removing his t-shirt and undershirt in one go leaving his top half bare. Clara sat up into her elbows to look at him as he removed his shoes and belt. He was wirey but had some muscle his chest sprinkled with silver hair and a thin line of it went from his belly button to down below his waistband. The Doctor removed his trousers revealing plain black boxers and sculpted legs thanks to all the running.

A tale of two heartsWhere stories live. Discover now