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Hey guys, sorry that this new (edited/new) chapter has not gotten out, i mean, School does a lot in your life ;-;. Anyways,

Me: Arty can y-

Artemis: *growl*

Me: *gulp* Er Lady Artemis, can you do the disclaimer? Please?

Artemis: Alright, This here boy does not own me, or any other PJO characters


Percy's POV

When i saw the look on her face, i laughed as i turned around. I faced the Monsters, My main sword, Riptide, was held in my right hand. And my katana was held in my left. My Katana, was created out of Shadow steel, it was the combined metals of stygian iron, celestial bronze, Olympian silver, imperial gold. And one metal, only 3% was this metal, Chaotic silver, Chaotic silver was the metal the gods crafted their weapons out of. With my katana "Shadow of hell" if i won in a battle with a minor god at their weakened state, i could kill, or even make them fade.

 But back to the task at hand, slaying a styx ton of monsters. The first bunch of 5 hell hounds rushed at me, each the size of a dumpster truck. I ran forwards as well doing a baseball slide under the hound raising Shadow quickly slicing through the soft underbelly of the hound. Monster quickly cried out in pain blood spurting from the wound before it burst into gold dust. I quickly got up while doing a spin slicing off the paw of one of them while slicing deep into the hound's muzzle, it quickly burst into gold dust while the other took it's time to bleed out. I repeated a command in my head, duck slice jab slice jab duck slice jab slice.

 Over and over the command of attack resounded through my head before the filed lay under a thin film of black hell hound blood and golden dust. The only monster was holding himself back. How the Minotaur had enough brain cells to hold himself back shocked me. But he must of used them all because now he just recklessly charged at me. I didn't even bother trying to dodge, i charged forwards as well. I heard the girl's (Thalia i would guess) cry out in shock. I smirked, i jumped up high landing on the beast's head while quickly slicing off a horn and eye and then jumped off doing a roll. I then spun around  grabbed a hidden flintlock out of a coat pocket and fired a single shot to the back of it's head. Just for a bit of an epic finishing.

 "K.O" I muttered softly with a smirk. I quickly used the shadows to locate spoils of war and have them travel to a small cloth , i had collected 15 hell hound teeth, each the size of a dagger. But the biggest one was the size of my forearm, the Minotaur horn, i wrapped the cloth around of them and tied it. I stuffed it into yet another pocket. I walked over to where Thalia was standing, she quickly raised her spear and asked with a tough (but scared) voice," Who the Hades are you?!" I smirked,

"My name is Percy, and i must ask you, you alright you seem a bit, eh shaken up, no?" I asked..  She looked at me, "why are you here?" she asked, i just shrugged, 

i reached into a coat pocket and pulled out a simple charm of a tomahawk, "take this, make a weapon out of it," 

"wha-" she started, but i didn't catch the rest because with a quick flap of my wings, i was gone, leaving a feather and the charm behind in her palm. But i did catch the horn sounding, ah i guess they missed the battle.

Chiron's POV

I heard the horn sound and i rushed out of the big house in horse form, grabbing my bow as a galloped to the edge of camp. Campers formed a line, some waiting, swords and bows at ready, and together, they charged up the hill. When we got there, we were met with a sight. One girl stood in a field of hell hound blood and monster dust, a spear stabbed into the ground.

Percy two weeks later.

I had just carved the final tooth into a smaller version of itself and strung it onto the bracelet. I now needed my father to enchant the bracelet into some sort of weapon. I was still thinking about what kind of weapon it should be. After all, all 10 of my hell bracelets have to be different weapons. At the moment, i wore 5 on each arm, each a different weapon.

 The first i made, the teeth had been fused into one long ring (the size of my arm) to which i carved out interlocking patterns of fires and wandering souls in the tooth. My favorite one was where the teeth were fused to a chaotic silver bracelet, and bad been barbed. Each tooth had taken me 10 hours to carve, then another 5 to carve channels to pour chaotic silver into. This weapon summoned twin tomahawks each expertly forged by my father and i. These together could kill any monster, mortal or not.

 When i walked into the palace, My father, and mother were chatting quietly. When i opened the door they each jumped up, my mother reached me first wrapping me in a hug while in her 28 year old form. "is it finished? is it finished?" My mom had spent so much time in her 8 year old form she always acted like a little kid, i laughed,

 "yea, just gotta ask dad to enchant it for me and i'll be ready, 5 each arm," i stated proudly. "Alright, what's your weapon going to be?" He asked, "A Revolver," my dad grinned from ear to ear, and my mom face palmed

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, i only spent a day writing this thing, not even!  only 5 hours! so it probably sucks but hey, i did my best.

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