Chapter 7

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A/N since none of you are showing me what you would like I am going to do what I would like.

Your POV
After I awoke I saw Andy, Jinxx, Ashley, CC and Jake on chairs in front of me. Their hands and feet tied onto the cheap wooden chairs. I looked down only to see myself in chains. 'Dammit' I thought, 'I could've avoided that, if I had used my senses to detect the Angel at my door'.

"So you're finally awake, foolish one." Spoke a soft, velvety voice from the shadows before revealing a blonde and blue eyed Angel with hair going down to her knees and curving inwards at the ends. The bright light of her rapier was enough to make me flinch. I could draw power from darkness, but in return my weakness is the light. But not just any light, holy light.

Holy light is the light emitted from either a blessed object or person, such as an Angel's halo or an Angel's sword. Angels tend to prefer the melee weapons such as swords or bats for they are easier to 'bless'. To bless a weapon they must perform a ritual in a highly holy place such as a church or a burial ground for priests, monks or nuns. The ritual has to be performed by an Angel and the Angel who will use the blade for the ritual, when translated from Latin, says that by blessing this weapon this guardian of heaven must carry it always and must care for it like an artefact, but this blade of God shall never be locked away when needed.

The blade was hardly needed now making the power of it weaker, but it is still incredibly powerful. Only I have the weapon strong enough to counter the 'blessed' melee weapons. My black scythe. My scythe has been 'blessed', or as the Angels say, 'cursed' by Hades himself. He entrusted me, one of only few elder fallen Angels, or EFA, with the only weapon stopping the light of heaven reaching the darkness of hell. Many believe it is because I am the strongest, fastest and most skilled EFA and fallen Angel, but truthfully, not even I know why I was chosen to bare the burden of the fate of hell and all fallen Angels and EFA. This would've put major stress on any normal EFA or fallen angel of my age but I am different, I am unique... My scythe lies within my very soul, I am able to summon it at any point in time which makes it impossible to keep me as a hostage for any longer than a few minuets before I get bored and break out of the Angels custody.

"What do you want?" I asked boldly, not a hint of fear in my clear, steady voice.

"Well, what I want is for you to open the gates of hell so that the armies of heaven may purify it's unholy grounds." The Angel stated as if it were obvious, chuckling darkly. And people say that my kind are insane I thought.

"No, I will not, nor will I ever open the gates to my home to anyone or anything who wishes harm to it." I replied to her deal with a sense of superiority floating around me as shock plastered itself on the blonde's face. "Remove that expression, it makes your features look most unpleasant." I tell her earning a stifled laugh from most of the band members.

"You think you have a right to talk to me that way? Impure filth! I am your captor, I hold the most power here!" The enraged Angel retorts making me chuckle.

"It is either that you are foolish or simply to young to have completed your training and knowledge on Hades' weapon. I am guessing both." I pause, seeing her petrified face as I rose out of my chair, the ropes snapping off of me with ease, "I expected better, you are weak, unworthy of the weapon you hold on your hand so tightly. So, tell me, does the association of high Angels now give out the incantation needed to bless a weapon wily nilly now? Or are you truly more powerful than the shivering, timid little girl that I see before me?" I question menacingly as I approach the small, frightened, weak Angel who was now cowering in the corner of the now lit up room. The light source being my scythe which now lay in my hands, flames trickling up the blade from the end to the tip of the handle. My (h/c) hair being blown from my face that now portrayed a look of disgust.

"P-p-p-p-please, s-sp-spare me!" The blue eyed, poor excuse for an Angel begged, now on her knees and crying.

"Tell me why I should let you go! Tell me why! After you threatened me! After you asked me to betray my own kind! You Angels may be right on our lack of sympathy for your kind, but for our own, we will lay down our lives." I state, my voice steadily raising and my large black feathered wings slowly sprouting from my straight back.

The girl's head landed on her knees as she wrapped her arms around her legs and started to sob, clearly knowing what her fate was. Her sky blue teary eyes shut slowly, awaiting the final blow that would send her to limbo from which she will never return. To scare her I swung but my blade stopped at her face. The beautiful blonde's eyes slowly re-opened to look at me in shock.

"If you really will do anything, become a fallen angel and become my companion." I demand her.

A companion to fallen Angels are both friends and guards of higher class fallen Angels or EFA.

"Thank you so much!" The Angel exclaimed whilst jumping up off of the ground and embracing me in her small, fragile arms.

"Come... What is your name?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Celena, Celena Wiliamson miss." Celena replied.

"Please, call me (y/n)." I told the now ecstatic soon to be fallen Angel.

"Then I insist you call me Elena." Celena said in a voice that wasn't shaking like before, but a happy, joyful voice. I wonder if her and I will become friends eventually I thought.

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