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"Wait what?"
"That's right I wanna see you and my son."
"Traven hasn't seen you in a year and all of a sudden you just wanna pop up? Sorry Logan but it doesn't work that way"
"Look I haven't seen MY son in a year I deserve to see him. Besides your birthday is tomorrow don't tell me you wouldn't love to see me."
"That's quite cocky of you to say."
"Hey clumsy who is that you're talkin too?" Felix said
"Traven's dad." I mouthed to him
"Listen okay. I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow for your birthday, I know how you feel about your birthday and that you hate them or whatever but too bad we are going. Oh and bring Traven. Text me your new address I'm sending you and tray something."
He's not wrong.. About my birthday. I HATE birthdays.. My mom and I had that in common.. I mean what's so exciting about getting older? I mean it's cool when you're like 2 but I'm turning 17 I'm one year closer to being an adult. Am I ready for adulthood? Absolutely not, I can't handle more responsibility. So yeah I'll pass on getting older I'm fine right here thanks.
"Okay I'll text you and see you then bye."
"Bye baby girl." He said before hanging up
I texted him my address. Now don't get me wrong Logan looks like a sex god and he is one but he also looks like a fuck boy.. And he is one.
"What did he want?" Asked Felix
"Oh he wants to see Traven and he's taking us out to dinner tomorrow."
"Oh cool. Is it for your birthday?" Chase asked
"I guess so and maybe to catch up, I'm not completely sure."
"Interesting.. CAN WE COME??" Chase asked jumping up really fast causing his ice to fly across the room and hit kevin
"Ow dude." Kevin said laying down
"Oh my bad bro. BUT CAN WE!!??" Chase said turning back to me
"No you cannot so go away."
"You're no fun." Chase said standing up and crossing his arms
"Let's go guys I'm hungry." Felix said
"Yeah same" Dante said
We all got up and made our way back to their cars then we went to a small little burger place.
Once we walked in we sat down and were looking at the menu when I heard the sounds of some high heels.
" hi boys how are you it's been a while!" Said the waitress who was maybe in her late 40s early 50s
"Hi ms. Sharon." All the boys said at the same time
"We will have the usual please!!" Kevin said with his mouth practically drooling
"Sounds good. And what can i get you pretty girl." She said turning her attention to me.
"Um I'll have a cheeseburger no onions or tomatoes and a large vanilla milkshake."
"Okay dear. I'll be right back with your drinks."
The boys and I were talking until she came back with all of our drinks. The boys all got vanilla milkshakes too except chase he said he's "more of a chocolate man himself".
"Here you go kids. Enjoy." Ms.Sharon said bringing our food
"THANKS MS SHARON." The boys said with their mouths already full
"It's no problem. Lemme know if you need anything else."
We were all eating our food in silence but it was a good and comfortable silence. When we were all almost done he heard the bell to the door and my head looked up. When I saw who it was my mouth dropped open.
"Hey sis what's this." Theo said referring to the boys
"Um hey theo. These are some of my classmates, we are working on a project together, they're the ones that were over for dinner."
"Oh right my bad. What's up."
"Not much grabbing a bite to eat then we were going to head back to your house."
"Okay sounds good. Anyway glad I saw you, I'm going out tonight with Dylan tonight so I won't see you till tomorrow oh and Logan stopped by and left something for you and Traven."
"Okay have fun tonight." I said as he walked up to place an order and the counter
"I didn't know your brother was gay?" Kevin said
"Oh no he's not. Dylan is a girl. They've been dating for 3 years. Xander is the gay one."
I informed the boys. They all just nodded then finished eating. When they were done we got the check then left to go back home.
The whole time the boys had to listen to one direction and 5sos and zayn.
They lowkey loved it.
When we got home we walked in to find Traven sitting down by himself.
"Hey little man where's your girl?" Felix asked
"She left a little bit ago." Traven said not turning from the tv
The boys plopped down next to him when Traven paused the tv
"Hey hey hey man I was watching that." Chase said
"What 17 year old watches dog with a blog?" Dante asked
"Me bro."
"You're childish."
"Ditto." Chase said sticking his tongue out at Dante.
"Anyway why'd you pause the tv." Kevin asked
"I wanna talk about my date." Traven said
"Oh nice, okay we are listening." Kevin said
Traven just sat there as the boys waited.
"Well arnt you gonna tell us?" Felix asked
Traven nodded then looked at me "please leave the room mother."
"What why? I wanna know how it went."
"This is men talk you're not a man so bounce." He said waving for me to go away.
I put my hands up in a surrender form and walked into the kitchen
"Hey sis. Your baby daddy dropped by and left a present for you and Traven. It's on the counter." Jake said walking out of the kitchen
I looked at he counter and saw a 2 pretty big bags so like a normal person I opened the mint green one because that's my favorite color. When I did I saw the dress that I had told Logan I wanted on our first date when we were 13 that he promised one day he'd get for me. I looked in the other bag and saw that Logan had got Traven a toy car that he broke when he was about 8 months because he threw it on the ground. I put Traven's back in his bag and walked out of the kitchen
"Hey we are leaving." Kevin said
"Yeah we will see you- hey what's in the bag?" Felix asked
"Oh it's a dress from Logan for tomorrow."
"Let's see it." Felix asked
I took it out and showed it too them
"Cool." Felix said before saying bye to Traven then walking out with the rest of the boys.
"Mom who's Logan." Traven asked
"Logan is your dad."
"Oh nice !! What did he get me?"
"Let's get ready for bed and I'll show you."

My overprotective brothersWhere stories live. Discover now